
Friday, October 14, 2011

They Won't Do It, Even Though they Don't Have To Do It

Some folks just want to bellyache, even when they have nothing about which to do so.

See, there was this recent Pentagon directive that said military chaplains could, operative word 'could', perform a  same-sex marriage ceremony if they so desired. And they could perform them on base, if so desired. They could not perform them in any state or jurisdiction that does not allow same-sex marriage, and they would not, ever, not no how, no way, ever, be forced to perform a same-sex marriage if it went against their beliefs.

Seems pretty cut and dry.

But, apparently not for the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, a coalition of that represents more than 2,000 military ministers. They will not perform same-sex marriages, even though they have been told they don't have to do so.

They just want y'all to know that they won't do it.

Colonel Ron Crews [USA-Ret.], who served as a chaplain for 28 years, is executive director of the Alliance, and his coalition is joining the Catholic Archdiocese for Military Services to say "no" to the directive.

Um, Ron? Dumbass? The directive already allows you to say 'no' to the directive, so your coalition is just a meaningless group of bigots and homophobes disguised as men of god. M'kay?

Still, Ron the Homophobe says: "They made a very strong statement saying that no Catholic chaplains serving in the military will participate in any same-sex ceremonies at any chapels. We appreciate that strong stand, [so] we just wanted to let the Department of Defense know that it's not only the Catholic chaplains, but that some 2,000 chaplains who come from evangelical backgrounds are saying our chaplains will not participate in same-sex ceremonies in the military."

Oh, okay. So it's not just the Catholic chaplains who won't perform same-sex marriages; it's other chaplains as well.

Ron? Honey? Your panties are in a wad. Those "other" chaplains, the ones who aren't Catholic, don't have to perform same-sex marriages either. So, again, your coalition is meaningless.

We get it. You're against gay marriage. Boo-freakin-hoo.

Yet he goes on....and on, saying his little group will call on Congress to enact a right of conscience clause in the revised code to ensure that no American service members are forced to deny what the Bible says about homosexuality.

Um, Ron? Dumbass? That little bit about protecting your religious freedoms is already in the clause. Once again: Coalition,. Meaningless.

Seriously, Ron, why doesn't your coalition find something better to do, like, say, shut the fuck up?


  1. Wait? Can you pass that by me again? I think I might have it but maybe just one more time to be almost sure! Right!! Like we said...not gonna do it and you can't make us! So there!!!

  2. yes, he should shut up

  3. Anonymous8:56 PM

    I'm not gonna do stuff that I don't have to do either!

  4. Well, since they went to all the trouble of bringing the rope, why not let them hang themselves with it.


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