
Friday, October 28, 2011

I Didn't Say It........

Chaz Bono, after being voted off DWTS:
"I took so much away from this. This was an amazing journey that really pushed me and showed me that I could do so much more than I ever thought I could. I came on this show because I wanted to show America a different kind of man. If there was somebody like me on TV when I was growing up, my whole life would have been different. And so I dedicated everything I did to all the people out there like me and especially to kids and teens who are struggling. You can have a wonderful, great life and be successful and happy."

And how can anyone think that's wrong?
We have all kinds of folks on TV with whom we can identify, so it was nice to see a transgendered person simply being themselves and being happy and joyful, and, well, not a really good dancer.
But that's okay.
His message wasn't dance.
His message is acceptance, and that's much more important than a rumba or a tango any day.

Kellan Lutz, on being Christian and pro-gay: 
“I was raised in a Christian family, and I’m a Christian, but the only commandment that I really live by is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It doesn’t matter who a person is or what they’re into, you just show them love. If they’re happy, be happy for them. Be a believer, have faith in something, but no one’s right or wrong. Just be a good person. If we were all just one loving world, stuff would be so much easier.”

Hot. sexy, smart.
What's not to love.
Of course, i imagine there are all sorts of "Christians" out there who say Kellan Lutz isn't a real Christian because he understands the principal of God is love.
Not the principal of God Hates Fags.

Rick Santorum, pledging to defund all federal contraception programs, basically making it clear he will never be president:
"One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country. It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be. [Sex] is supposed to be within marriage. It’s supposed to be for purposes that are yes, conjugal…but also procreative. That’s the perfect way that a sexual union should happen. This is special and it needs to be seen as special."

So, no birth control?
Everyone who marries, whether they choose to or not, should be faced with the possibility that they will have a child at some point.
And people who, for whatever reason, cannot have a child? Are they not as marred as anyone else?
Frothy, Frothy, Frothy. You became more of an asshat every time you open your mouth.

James Amos, Marine Commandant General, who once expressed opposition to the DADT repeal, now welcomes gays and their partners to the Marine Ball:
"I’m fine with it. I’m fine with it. I expect it to happen, I expect it to happen across the Marine Corps. And I mean, that’s part of the repeal of Don’t Ask, Dont’ Tell. I mean, that’s part of it. You can’t go half way. You can’t say we’re going to repeal it and you now can become public, but I’m going to restrict your behavior. We’re not going to do business that way."

This is how the military should work.
There are rules and regulations and you follow them unconditionally.
And if, at some point, those rules and regulations change, then you change, too, and follow the new policies as strictly as you did the old.

Jon Stewart, on the silence and unwillingness of the GOP to give any credit to the Obama administration for its handling of Libya:
"Is there no Republican that can be gracious and statesmanlike in this situation? We removed a dictator in six months losing no American soldiers, spending, like, a billion dollars rather than a trillion dollars, and engendering what appears to be good will to people who now have a story of their own Independence to tell. Anybody want to give credit? What the f**k is wrong with you people?"

I hate to keep beating the racism drum, but this just sacks to me of racism.
I cannot imagine that, if this were a white president,, in the same situation, the GOP wouldn't at least grudgingly offer some sort of praise or congratulations.
It's like when Osama bin Laden was taken down and all those GOP wingnutted asshatted morons said Bush deserved the credit.
It just smacks of racism to me.

Rick Perry, on how he's just having fun being a Birther:
“I’m really not worried about the president’s birth certificate. It’s fun to poke at him a little bit, and say, how about, ‘Let’s see your grades and your birth certificate.’”

It's 'fun' to turn our attention away from the issues. to turn our attention away from the fact that Rick Perry is an idiot, and focus on some tired old question that has been answered again and again.
And again.
Perry simply brings this up to pander to the lowest form of the Teabaggers, and to shine a light away from his own inadequacies as a politician.

Mo'Nique, Academy Award-winning actress, on marriage equality:
“I believe since we’ve all been given free will, let’s use our will to let others be free. Gay and lesbian couples, they believe in commitment, family and love. If you don’t believe me, did you happen to notice that all that’s being asked for is the right to be married, which ironically promotes commitment, family and love? Join me and support marriage equality. It’s the right thing to do.”

All that's being asked for is the right to marry. 
There ain't nothing wrong there.


  1. Contraception? Really?!

  2. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I'm glad Chaz went as far as he did but how far did he take his message? It makes me sick when commenters on other web sites like HuffPo still refer to him as "she" and it's not as if they're getting their pronouns mixed up by accident.

  3. R.J.-- saying "he" would be an acknowledgement (in their wee little minds) that they aren't willing to make.


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