
Friday, October 21, 2011

I Didn't Say It........

Zachary Quinto, writing on his website of how Jamey Rodemeyer's suicide as the result of bullying, was the impetus for his own public coming out:
"when i found out that jamey rodemeyer killed himself - i felt deeply troubled.  but when i found out that jamey rodemeyer had made an it gets better video only months before taking his own life - i felt indescribable despair. i also made an it gets better video last year - in the wake of the senseless and tragic gay teen suicides that were sweeping the nation at the time.  but in light of jamey's death - it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it - is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.  
our society needs to recognize the unstoppable momentum toward unequivocal civil equality for every gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered citizen of this country.  gay kids need to stop killing themselves because they are made to feel worthless by cruel and relentless bullying.  parents need to teach their children principles of respect and acceptance.  we are witnessing an enormous shift of collective consciousness throughout the world.  we are at the precipice of great transformation within our culture and government.  i believe in the power of intention to change the landscape of our society - and it is my intention to live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action.  jamey rodemeyer's life changed mine.  and while his death only makes me wish that i had done this sooner - i am eternally grateful to him for being the catalyst for change within me.  now i can only hope to serve as the same catalyst for even one other person in this world.  that - i believe - is all that we can ask of ourselves and of each other.

'Nuff said, eh?

Allan HubleyKanata South Councillor, on his son Jamie's suicide:
"Recently, when Jamie tried to start a Rainbow Club at his high school to promote acceptance of others, the posters were torn down and he was called vicious names in the hallways and online. We had meetings with officials at the school and were working with them to bring an end to it but Jamie felt it would never stop.
We will not say that the bullying was the only reason for James’s decision to take his own life but it was definitely a factor. As his family and friends or even if you never met him but want to help, we must do whatever we can to wipe out bullying for any reason in our society and especially in our schools. Young people are very vulnerable and have enough pressures in life to have to deal with aside from the stress of being bullied. My family’s wish is that no more families have to suffer the unbearable pain of losing a child. No child should have to deal with depression or feel hated because of their beliefs – that is not the Canadian way of treating others."

How horrible to lose a child, but far worse when you realize that one of the factors that lead to Jamie's suicide--the bullying--could have and should have been stopped.
Schools need a Zero Tolerance policy on bullying.
Bully someone and you're out.
That's it.

Kelsey Grammer, on how he feels about the Tea Party stance on gay marriage:
"I wouldn't sign on to that. Absolutely. I played several [gay characters]. I guess I'm more Libertarian in that way. I think marriage is up to two people that love each other. And if you find the church that you want to get married in you go right ahead ..In my mind the state of marriage is something that has been endorsed by the idea that it is a sacrament within the context of a faith...the word marriage comes out of the religious side of our experience and our history. So I tend to think our government shouldn't be involved in any way..."

Kelsey's kind of a right-wing douche, but he knows how his bread is buttered.
He works in an industry populated by LGBT men and women, and to come out as a marriage-equality hating teabagger would serve him no good at all.

Kelly Clarkson, on stalking Adele:
"I want to stalk Adele so she'll sing with me. I love her voice and I really want to sing with her. She knows that. We were on 'Divas' together and I cornered her in her room and said, 'I really want to sing with you!' I just love her voice. I saw her performance on the VMAs and the EMAs. All these performers came out and did a great job, but then this girl comes out and she's just standing there with a microphone and there's a piano and she just kills everyone! She was the most memorable act of the night. She's just so talented."

I dunno about the rest of you, but I think Kelly and Adele would sound great together.
That's an album, er, that makes me sound old.
That's a CD, er, again....old.
That's a download I'd do.
And that just sounds nasty.

John Smid, former head of Exodus International, on "ex"-gays:
"So often people will say someone needs to 'repent' from homosexuality. It is something that actually cannot be repented of! People are, or they are not, homosexual. It is an intrinsic part of their being or personally, my being. One cannot repent of something that is unchangeable. I have gone through a tremendous amount of grief over the many years that I spoke of change, repentance, reorientation and such, when, barring some kind of miracle, none of this can occur with homosexuality."

Take that, Missus and Missus Bachmann.

Randy Thomasson, anti-LGBT activist and 'Save California' head, on the fact that the effort to repeal SB48 [aka the LGBT History Bill] won't make the ballot this year:
"The government's schools are no longer for the parents. They're anti-parent. I believe in God's schools and the Devil's schools, and if you want your children in God's schools, you've got to get them out and put them into home schooling..."
Schools that teach the accomplishments of, or contributions to society made by, LGBT people are Devil Schools, while schools that refrain from mentioning any LGBT people are God's schools?
Oh, Randy, you douchenozzle, you got it backwards.

Duncan Hunter, GOP congressman, on how The Gays will take over the military:
"This is exactly what we knew would happen. We’re not especially clairvoyant, we can’t see into the future, but the homosexual lobby isn’t simply pressing to have equal status in the military with people that are heterosexual. They would like a military takeover by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender community, and that’s what they’re going to keep pushing for until it happens."

Yes, our plan is to take over the military so we can turn it into the biggest Circuit Party in the world.
I mean, what else does Duncan think we do in the military?
Fight wars? Protect America?
Silly Duncan.
We just wanna get laid.

Betty White, on being a gay icon: 
“Throughout my career, I've always portrayed characters that were humorous, but also weren't afraid to speak their minds, especially when it came to racy or controversial topics. I think this struck a chord with the LGBT community. We both also share a very strong love for animals. When you combine the two, it's a very strong match.”

Well, yes, we does likes our strong funny ballsy brash women who say whatever they want. But, Betty, i think it boils down to the fact that you are simply faboosh!

David PocockAustralia rugby union player, on his support of marriage equality:
"I don't see what the big deal is with the whole gay marriage debate in Australia. Being brought up in a Christian home and still identifying as Christian, I get pretty annoyed with the Christian lobbies around the world who say gay marriage destroys the family and all that kind of rubbish. They claim to follow someone who always stood up for the oppressed and marginalised. I guess it is a fear of the unknown - if you talk to someone who doesn't like gay people you can almost guarantee that they don't know too many. These are the prejudices that you have to challenge and break down. Emma and I decided not to get legally married until our gay friends could do the same."

He's right you know.
Real Christians wouldn't have a problem with marriage equality, because they know that two men, or two women, marrying, doesn't affect their marriage.
it's just love.
And how is that suddenly unChristian?

Sally Kern, Oklahoma political asshat, telling Christian radio that The Gays might kill her:
"I have to be honest with you Rick, when I was sitting there in my car that day and when she told me that those emails were coming from homosexuals, honestly, fear gripped by whole body, because I was very aware of the homosexual lobbyists and the power that they have. And people say, ‘oh you’re so brave, so heroic,’ but I’m not, I’m just a sinner saved by grace and I was gripped with fear that day. I just said, ‘Lord, what have I done?’ It entered our mind but honestly, and I mentioned this in the book, the Saturday night when my husband and I sit down and really talked about this and prayed about it, when we asked ourselves the question, are we willing to even lose our lives over this?"

Oh, Sally.
The Gays don't want you dead, we want you enlightened.
Failing that we just want you to shut your bigoted homophobic yap and stop spreading lies.
Is that so wrong?

Mark Driscoll, "Pastor" of Seattle's Mars Hill Church, who says masturbation makes one a homosexual:
"Masturbation can be a form of homosexuality because it is a sexual act that does not involve a woman. If a man were to masturbate while engaged in other forms of sexual intimacy with his wife then he would not be doing so in a homosexual way. However, any man who does so without his wife in the room is bordering on homosexuality activity, particularly if he's watching himself in a mirror and being turned on by his own male body."

Good news!!!
Everybody's gay!!!
Pride is gonna be a blast next year!!


  1. Anonymous10:25 AM

    You make my Fridays! I ALWAYS agree with you! This morning, you've mentioned two of my favorite women (Kelly Clarkson and Betty White) and the one that I detest the most (Sally Kern) in one great post! Keep up the great work!

  2. This one gay who wishes Sally would drop dead...

  3. I don't know where you found that picture of Duncan Hunter, but well, it's awesome!

    Additionally, does Mark Driscoll realize what he's saying exactly? I mean, maybe I'm just confused, but don't most religions frown on masturbation of ANY kind? Isn't it something about spilling seed on the ground, and some bad shit happening to someone?

  4. Did you see Driscoll's video? I think that dude masturbates A LOT.

  5. Mark is cute but dumb

  6. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I thought masturbation was supposed to make you go blind?

  7. It's amazing how divided we are as a society and a people in general. People tell me that right/left is a point of view and there is no right or wrong, just opinion. But believe me, you never hear a progressive, lefty, liberal, whatever you want to call them, say idiot things. The only people who think they are idiotic are the right wing nut conservative idiots.
    The Left is right and the Right is just plain ignorant. Intelligent, thoughtful people tend to lean left, because the understand.


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