
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Bishop Has Been Indicted

For the very first time in the twenty-five year history of the Catholic Church sex abuse scandal, someone has been indicted, And that someone is Robert W. Finn, who was indited along with the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph by a county grand jury.
Sadly, though, Finn was charged with one misdemeanor count involving a priest accused of taking pornographic photographs of girls as recently as this year; he pleaded not guilty.
This marks sort of an end to the furor caused when Bishop Finn admitted that he knew about the photographs in December, but waited until May to turn them in to authorities. You know, protecting perverts is Tenet One for the Catholic Church, it seems.
And while Finn waited and pondered and thought and, perhaps, even prayed about what to do with this knowledge, the Rev. Shawn Ratigan, is said to have continued to attend church events with children, and took lewd photographs of another young girl.
It's been ten years since the American bishops pledged to report suspected abusers to law enforcement authorities, and Bishop Finn himself made that same promise three years ago right after the Catholic Church was ordered to pay a $10 million legal settlement to victims of abuse in Kansas City.
I guess the Bishop forgot his promise. And more children were victims of the Catholic Church while he sat on his hands.

via the NYT


  1. Whats in the dark will always come out. if not here, then on judgment day

  2. It's a corrupt system and I hope this is the first such case of many. People need to realize that the church is not above the law. It's as bad as coming out of the dark ages.


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