
Thursday, October 06, 2011

Another First....Another LGBT First!

Holy Protestant, Batman!

This Saturday, Scott Anderson will become the first openly gay minister ordained by the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. since the denomination amended its constitution this year to allow it.

Yup, a homo in  the pulpit, just like God intended.

It's been a long road for Scott Anderson, who, twenty-one years ago, realized he had two choices: continue to serve as a Presbyterian minister and hide his identity as a gay man, or leave the ministry and live, as he says, "with a sense of integrity" about who he is.

He left, but always hoped he could find his way back to what he thought of as his calling. And now he has: "I have felt a call from God to serve as a parish pastor since I was a sophomore in high school...When I came out and left the ministry, I never thought in my lifetime this day would come. This has been 20 years of God surprising me, really."

Surprising too, are the people who support Scott Anderson in his dream. Many call him profoundly qualified, a compassionate and deeply spiritual man, a gifted preacher, well-versed in theology. Sounds like he was born that way.

Rev. Nancy Enderle, who headed the presbytery committee that oversaw Anderson's three-year ordination process and recommended him unanimously: "Scott's gifts for ministry were so abundant and clear. He has this tremendous intellect, but also an air of humility and grace."

Of course, not everyone is as open as, say, Scott Anderson, or Nancy Enderle, or, well, even God. Forrest Norman, chairman of the North Carolina-based Presbyterian Lay Committee, which opposes the ordination of gay and lesbian pastors, saying it is inconsistent with Biblical teaching: "We want leaders to uphold the highest levels of conduct within the denomination. We want people to live in the way God called them to live."

Um, Forrest? You mean you want a compassionate and deeply spiritual man, a gifted preacher, well-versed in theology? That would be Scott Anderson. Why don't you set aside your bigotry and homophobia, and your selective memory regarding what is in the Bible and realize that God is love.

That's all. And that's what Scott Anderson wants people to know. Is that so wrong?


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Excellent post! "Selective Memory" is a big problem for far too many people who forget that the Bible doesn't "SAY" anything at all.

  2. Until they start following *all* the Bible... they haven't a leg to stand on.
    (By the way your blog is McAfee approved - security program, new widget)

  3. Altho I don't go to Church now, I grew up Presbytarian. And I'm so glad to hear this.


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