
Thursday, September 08, 2011

A Political Trio For Maryland Marriage Equality

Governor O'Malley
Maryland Governor, Martin O’Malley, is serious about marriage equality. He isn't just posturing and pandering, he's stepping up.

In fact, O’Malley, who says he will be sponsoring marriage equality legislation in next year’s session, Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown and Attorney General Doug Gansler, all spoke at a fundraiser for Equality Maryland, the state’s largest gay civil rights group.

O’Malley, who has pledged to include protections for religious freedom in the measure, said the legislation is about protecting Maryland families: “This is about making sure that every family in Maryland is able to raise their children in a loving and stable home, a home that is respected equally under the law....[But even] people that do not yet agree with us on this issue, there’s a lot of goodness in each and every individual, and we need to engage in that goodness. We need to call people to that goodness. We need to call people together in the center of that circle that makes us a great state — that makes us a great country — because we believe in the dignity of every individual, and we believe in the advancement of the greater good."

Lt. Governor Brown
Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown said that successfully changing Maryland state law, which says that marriage must be between a man and a woman, will require a coalition of supporters working in every Maryland county. He also acknowledged that opponents of the legislation will be able to get enough signatures to petition a bill passed by the General Assembly to the November 2012 ballot.

Brown: “It’s going to require thousands of phone calls and conversations, thousands of emails and letters and door-knocking. It’s going to require all of us to redouble our efforts to find those Marylanders who are willing to step forward and demonstrate their commitment to marriage equality and protecting families in Maryland.”

AG Gansler
Attorney General Gansler, who issued a legal opinion last year saying Maryland must recognize gay marriages performed in other states, also braced supporters for a protracted political and legal challenge: “It’s not a done deal. We need to work hard, but I’m confident that will happen.”

Marriage equality legislation passed the Maryland Senate in this year’s session, but the measure stalled in the House of Delegates.

Still, the momentum is there, and with three high-ranking political figures standing firm and strong in support of marriage equality, this could be the year for Maryland to be equal.


1 comment:

  1. I'd like to buy all 3 of those guys a cocktail, they are fantastic


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