
Friday, September 09, 2011

I Get It...You're Lohan's Sister And You Wanna Distance Yourself.....

....But isn't this taking it too far?
These are some new photos of Lindsay Lohan's "little" sister, Ali, who looks, well, different in 2011 than she looked back in 2009.

Since signing with NEXT Model Management, Ali’s lips appear plumper, her cheekbones seem swollen, nose refined, her eyes more “alert” and her eyebrows severely re-landscaped.

And, seeing that Ali is just 17, if she did have any massive facial work done, it would have to be approved by Showbiz Mother Of the Decade, Dina "I Gotta Earn A Living Off My Kids" Lohan!

And, while they have yet to speak about Ali2.0, one can expect that the Lohan Media Machine, i.e. Dina, will be put into first gear denying the ALLEGED alterations of a seventeen-year-old girl's face.

via Pink Is The New Blog


  1. She looks ill, her hair looks dry and her eyes are in the headlights. Aged to about 45, at least.

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Dina Lohan is a terrible parent.

  3. Whats sad is that she was much much prettier than she is now. I cant imagine what living in that train wreck of a family is like. Poor kids, no wonder they are all mucked up.

  4. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Dina Lohan isn't Mother of the Year material, but isn't the age of consent 16 in New York? Doesn't that mean Ali didn't need her idiot Mom's permission to fug up her face?

  5. Despicable what this mother will do to her kids. Even their faces aren't off limits. Karma needs to catch up to Dina and Michael, in the form of a Mack truck to THEIR faces.

  6. Oh, this poor stupid girl. She was way more attractive before. Now she could play a part in B horror movie.


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