
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

The APA v Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum

Rick Santorum is not a bigot because of his views on The Gays. I mean, he got all huffy when Piers Morgan suggested he was a bigot, so he can't be a bigot, right?

But, um, Ricky, who thinks The Gays don't deserve "special rights" and we certainly don't deserve "equal rights", announced last week, while speaking at his alma mater, Pennsylvania State University, that the American Psychological Association’s support for marriage equality and same-sex families is immaterial. 

Okay. But then he suggested the APA is made up only of people who support what the APA believes, and that the organization’s statements are “not evidence of benefit to society.” 

Not so fast, frothy, said APA spokeswoman Kim Mills--though, to be fair, she didn't call him Frothy. She said: 
"The American Psychological Association's position in support of same-sex marriage is based on a body of empirical research concerning sexual orientation and marriage. APA believes that it is unfair and discriminatory to deny same-sex couples legal access to civil marriage and all its attendant benefits, rights and privileges....Indeed, the various resolutions and amicus briefs APA has issued on behalf of marriage equality, same-sex couples, and their children cite multitudes of studies that inform their conclusions. It is unknown whether the former senator read any of APA’s publications or the decades of research that inform them before dismissing its 154,000 members for having a 'point of view'.”




  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    "Suh-nap!" is RIGHT! Thanks for posting this! How anyone that thinks he can run a country can dismiss research of this magnitude is mind-boggling.

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I don't know who funds Sanitorium every four years but I'm amazed he thinks he's still a viable candidate for anything.

  3. The statement that Kim Mills gave was brilliant. I still smile about it. It hit the right notes of smart, savvy, and we at the APA won't take your foolish, ignorant shit.


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