
Monday, August 01, 2011

WTF? It's Monday And I'm As Happy As A Basket Of Cats

Except these two don't look so happy.......


  1. I reckon they've seen something of interest but it's just too much a hassle to go and investigate - especially now that they've settled down so cosily.

  2. You are probably guilty of some crime and if you don't know which crime well that just says it all, doesn't it?

  3. But the cats knows...

  4. Well OF COURSE they don't look happy - these poor kitties have an extremely rough life at Chez Bob & Carlos. Max & Tux actually have to SHARE a kitty bed - quelle horreur!! And they probably only get fed once or twice a day! Oh the humanity!! ... er ... felinity(??)!

    BTW - Poor, neglected, unloved Oscar and Dusty have no kitty bed at all. Now there's a TRUE tragedy.


  5. They are just adorable! Some of the smooth and shiny pussies I have seen! And they look calm to me, figured they must have listened to Dakota Staton with ya! I knew you would love her btw!


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