
Wednesday, August 03, 2011

A Tale Of Two Republicans

The GOP really wants to take the White House back in 2012, because, you know, the last time they had it they did such a bang up job, starting wars, toppling the economy, adding trillions to the deficit, while cutting taxes for the rich.

So, they want to take it away from the Democrats and go back to bad business as usual. And two of the candidates hoping to unseat Obama--and I giggle, because they can't--are the lovely and idiotic Michele Bachmann, and the lovely and RUMORED to be gay--I think because of his beautiful hair--Rick Perry.

But these two are running quite the different campaigns, and the way they run their campaigns is how they would run the country if they ever--and I'm still giggling because they won't-get elected president.

Michele Bachmann lies, and is so pathological about it, that she doesn't even know she's lying. Remember her old chestnut about Obama's trip to India costing the American people $200 million a day? Even when that was proven to be a lie she didn't back down because , to her, a lie becomes the truth if you keep saying it.

Now, however, Bachmann isn't talking. At least about her ex-gay husband and his ex-gay business turning gay people straight through prayer and brainwashing. No, that she won't discuss. Nor will she discuss her part in the business, as the owner, or how the clinic is funded by the American taxpayers, and recives Medicaid payments, or why her district has been dubbed a "suicide contagion area" by Minnesota officials.

Bachmann believes she can say whatever the hell she wants and then clam up if the questions get too hard, or too close to home, or too 'Your husband's a big ol queen.'
So, don't ask her about praying away the gay, she won't answer. And don't ask her about the money she took from Medicaid for her business while calling Medicaid and Medicare socialism. And don't ask her about the rash of suicides in her congressional district and how she voted against antibullying measures in 2006.

She won't talk. She'll walk away. She cut off the feed if she's doing the interview via satellite, and her 'people' will physically push reporters out of the way; just ask ABC News' Brian Ross who was shoved while trying to ask Bachmann about the ex-gay business.

So, that's what you get with Bachmann, You get the lies and the innuendo, all unproven, though she'll keep spreading them. But you also get non-answers, you get cut off, you get shoved, if she doesn't like the question. That would be a Bachmann presidency.

But then we have good old boy from Texas, Rick Perry. What kind of president would he make? Well, from all appearances, he'd be just like George Bush, a puppet president being controlled by people in the background.

I mean, there's no argument that while W was president, it was Dick Cheney and Karl Rove pulling the string while Bush did the lying wear-mongering, profiteering for big business two-step. But who's pulling the strings on Rick Perry? Let's see....

Ricky made headlines for his comments regarding the passage of marriage equality in New York by appearing to be pro-equality: "Our friends in New York six weeks ago passed a statute that said marriage can be between two people of the same sex. And you know what? That's New York, and that's their business, and that's fine with me. That is their call. If you believe in the 10th Amendment, stay out of their business."

But then Rick Perry apparently got a "talking to" by Bryan Fischer of the hate group, American Family Association [AFA], because he changed his remarks, saying, now, “I probably needed to add a few words after that ‘it’s fine with me,’ and that it’s fine with me that a state is using their sovereign rights to decide an issue. Obviously gay marriage is not fine with me. My stance hasn’t changed.”

But that isn't what you said, Rick. You said marriage equality was fine with you until the über conservative AFA got hold of you, and you realized you might be losing your right-wingnut, Tea Party conservative, religious zealot base.

So, he pandered to the AFA. And now he's out saying it again and again, how, although he said he was fine with states deciding the issue of marriage equality, he isn't really fine with it. In fact, he downright opposes it, dagnabbit.

So, there we have it, the tale of two Republicans, and glimpses of what this country will be if either one was ever elected to that office. One will refuse to speak when the questions get too hard, or too close to home, while the other will let groups like the AFA determine his position on the issues for him.

Is that really the directions anyone should be headed?

Bachmann Won't Talk
The Rick Perry Marriage Equality Two-Step


  1. I never heard any rumors about Rick Perry being a meat packer. Are you serious?

  2. Rick is a prick picker? I'm digging my heels into this issue, gitty up google!

  3. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I think Governor Good Hair had a brain fart and forgot that when you're part of the GOP you have to be TWO steps deep in the closet instead of one.

  4. Perry Perry, as he is referred to in "certain circles" in Texas, is the scariest one to me.
    I don't have much faith left in many Americans (it hurts to say that). And it seems to me that these people may very well welcome someone that caters to their fears and prejudices, and that, in the name of god.

    MB has been placed there as a distraction, they will use her up & spit her out.

    November of 2012 is a long way off in the scheme of things...

  5. the rumors about Rick has been other there for awhile


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