
Thursday, August 04, 2011

More Child Abuse Scandals Within The Catholic Church

The Catholic Church likes to pride itself on being the protector of children, though we all know they seem more concerned with protecting child-raping priests, their image, and their all-important bank account.

But recently, the Church hired  what they dubbed a "child protection official" to monitor church groups to ensure pedophiles did not gain access to children in the church’s congregations. Notice, though, he wasn't monitoring the Church, just church groups; the Catholic Church is still protecting pedophile priests.

At any rate, that "child protection "official", Christopher Jarvis, a married father of four, has been caught uploading pictures of children being abused to a website, and of having over 4,000 pictures of child pornography on his home computers.

This is who the Church put their faith in to protect children. Just more of the same.
Jarvis has admitted to 12 counts of making, ­possessing and distributing indecent ­images  and is likely to face jail when he returns to court for sentencing next month.

Church spokesman ­David Pond said: “Mr Jarvis was suspended from his position as soon as the diocese became aware in March of the police investigation. The Bishop took that action and since then the Church has worked closely with the police.”

Nice to see a church official stand up and do what's right to these pedophiles, but, one has to wonder, would the Bishop have turned the man in, called the police, and worked with authorities, if the possessor of that child porn was a priest?



  1. Incredibly, this Church (of whom I am nominally still a member, but wish I wasn't) EVEN NOW regards the confidentiality of the confessional to be sacrosanct and that if a priest is told of violations against children within the confines of this 'Holy Sacrament of Penance', it will still refuse to pass the matter on to the police. I sometimes wonder why anyone at all wishes to continue to belong to this institution.

  2. The "Running of the Altar Boys" is still the best satire piece I ever wrote.

  3. Not to diminish the high crimes of the RCC but Please examine the Jehovah's Witnesses who go door to door and come on our property.

    Jehovah's Witnesses pedophiles.
    Many court documents and news events prove that Jehovah's Witnesses require two witnesses when a child comes forward with allegations of molestation within the congregation. Such allegations have customarily been treated as sins instead of crimes and are only reported to authorities when it is required to do so by law, (which varies by state).

    It has also been shown that child molesters within the organization usually have not been identified to the congregation members or the public at large. These people engage in a door to door ministry, possibly exposing children to pedophiles.

    The Watchtower corporation has paid out millions in settlement money already.
    -- Danny Haszard abuse victim



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