
Friday, August 19, 2011

I Didn't Say It...

Adam Levine, on his brother, and all gay people, being born that way:
"I can single-handedly dispel any ideas that sexuality is acquired. Trust me, you’re born with it. My brother is gay, and we knew when he was two. We all knew. We all really wanted to provide some cushion for him and constantly let him know that it’s OK. A lot of people don’t want their kid to be gay and will fight it at all costs. But I’ve got news for you—it’s a losing fucking battle. The more you fight it, the more fucked-up your kid’s gonna be. You’ve just gotta embrace it from the beginning. That’s the only way to deal with it as a family. Otherwise, you’re just screwing yourself over, and you’re gonna make your kid miserable."

Well put.
People, and by people I mean parents, need to realize that their children are their children, and if you want to just give them away because they aren't exactly like you, then you aren't really parents in the first place.
Parents should love and nurture their children, no matter their children's interests, passions, or sexual orientation.
Parents should love their children.  

Texas Governor, and recent addition to the slew of GOP presidential hopefuls, Rick Perry, on welfare:
"I don’t think our founding fathers when they were putting the term 'general welfare' in there were thinking about a federally operated program of pensions nor a federally operated program of health care. What they clearly said was that those were issues that the states need to address. Not the federal government. I stand very clear on that. From my perspective, the states could substantially better operate those programs if that’s what those states decided to do."

And, um, Rick, if those states become overrun with wacknut Teabaggers, and Teabagger panderers, such as yourself, who don't wish to help the less fortunate, we should all just turn our backs and watch Americans suffer?
That's what our forefathers had in mind? Turning their backs on those less fortunate?
Wing...followed quickly by...nut.

Billionaire New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, begging not to have his taxes raised, but to make cuts to pay for programs, or just cut programs:
"If you want to raise taxes, don't pick one class of people and say, 'I think they have too much money' or 'I don't think they have enough money' or whatever. Raise everybody's taxes one or two percent or whatever. I think the president should literally go out there and say, 'This is what I propose - A, B, C and D.' And I think that should be a combination of revenue enhancements and expense cuts."

Typical stance of a billionaire who wants to protect his billions.
Cut programs to save money, even if that won't work. Make those less fortunate suffer so you can helicopter out to your estate in the Hamptons. You want no part in paying taxes, but you want everyone else to pay theirs, or you want to cut programs that might help someone with less than a billion dollars in the bank.
Why not pay your fair share, Mike? I mean, if you've got billions just lying around, why not pay your fair share. And someone with $30,000 or so lying around ought to pay their fair share, too.
So, quit whining about your billions and billions.

Ricky Martin, on his life after coming out:
"My shoulders feel much lighter and straighter and I feel my life is a lot more simple now. I lived with the obsession to be accepted for such a long time. But it was when I held my children in my arms I knew I couldn’t do it anymore. I wanted to teach them to be themselves, to know there is nothing wrong with being gay – because there isn’t. I want them to have self-love, pride and dignity. And that means I had to be transparent."

Coming out allows you to accept yourself, and when you accept yourself, most people will follow suit. And those who don't will never understand that you're simply being yourself.
And in the end that's all we really have, and we are forced to hide that away then we don't have anything at all.

Tony Perkins, of the hate group, the Family Research Council, on the gay "agenda":
"Not only do gays want to force their lifestyle on you and me, but they want to enlist felt-faced non-humans in the fight! And this is on top of the demands for a transgender character to join Sesame Street. For years, the same-sex community has insisted that all they want is the "right" to marry their partners. If that's true, then why do they need to indoctrinate kids? Why recruit children and corporate America and public education? Obviously, the goal here isn't to be left alone to do what they want. The goal is to force the whole world--including small children--to celebrate their sexual behavior. Families are already working overtime to protect their children's innocence. The last thing they need to worry about is the ABCs of indoctrination."

Hey Tony? Asshat?
My life, like your life, is not a lifestyle. it's a life. Being straight is not a choice, being gay is not a choice.
Being a bigot, however, is of your own doing.
And thinking that the LGBT could "recruit"people is ridiculous. Maybe the LGBT community wants to make people aware that your mindset, and the mindset of other narrow-minded people like yourself, is hurtful and hateful, and oftentimes deadly.
But you want young people to step up and follow you into the depths of hell, and I'm the problem?

Sally Kern, Oklahoma state representative, bigot, homophobe, wingnut, armed fool, on how God personally selected the district she represents:
"I wanted to see what kind of traction my opponent was getting so I had a survey done by a good group here in Oklahoma and what we found out which I think, this just shows the Lord's wisdom and intervention, I have the most conservative district and the most churched district in all of Oklahoma. Now, isn't that something? Had I been in any other district, I might very well have been defeated, but not in the district that I'm in."
At first, I thought, What a freakin' wingnut.
Then, I thought, Wow, this God person must be pretty smart because she took all the wingnuts, bigots, homophobes, religious zealot asshats and plopped them all down in one district, and then gave them one of Elphaba's Flying Monkeys to represent them.
Maybe this God person is onto something.
Or maybe Sally Kern is a delusional fuck.
Just sayin'.


  1. Anonymous9:41 AM


    • Adam Levine – Super role model.
    • Rick Perry – Flaming asshole.
    • Michael Bloomberg – Too rich to understand.
    • Ricky Martin – Love him. Always have. Always will.
    • Tony Perkins – Delusional fool that wants to force HIS lifestyle on you and me.
    • Sally Kern – “Most Consistently Disgusting Individual In History”?

  2. I love Adam Levine, I have often hoped that he would break on through to the Gina way of life, but he's right, he was born that way. I won't fight it.

  3. *the most churched district*
    who knew there was such a phrase?!

  4. Anonymous11:19 AM

    The most churched district? Ha! When abandoned supermarkets, office buildings and auto parts stores become churches in your district, we'll talk.

  5. Sally Kern: America's real-life "Chastity Pariah"....

    Tony Perkins: Insults everything that Jesus said and stood for, every day of his life; I think the man that used "the hammer", a couple thousand years ago & Tony would be fast friends...

    Ricky: Better free at the end of one's life than to end one's life in bondage.

    Bloomberg: Try getting a job without buying it....

    Rick Perry: Can I run my fingers through your hair???

    Adam: Knowing that you were raised in a good family give me hope, keep spreading that hope as the world is in a short supply...

  6. I loved that Adam said this and it actually made me like him more. as for the rest of them well I have very little to say. I do wonder what it would be like to live in a churched district....


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