
Friday, August 12, 2011

I Didn't Say it.......

David Barton, Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization,on NOM's plan to unseat pro-marriage New York state senators:
"I want to see pro-family guys scared straight that are squishy on this issue, and if we can’t take out these four Republicans and the Majority Leader in New York, we will have opened a huge door for Melhman and his kind to come in and start rewarding these guys for going against pro-family stuff, and you just can’t let that happen.No disrespect to our Native American friends, but this is where you hang a bloody scalp over the gallery rail. You hang these four Republican scalps over the Senate rail and every other Republican senator looks up and sees those scalps and says, ‘my gosh, I’ll be hanging up there beside them if I don’t stay with this pro-family stuff.’ And that’s exactly what has to happen."

So, he wants to scalp the GOP members of the New York state legislature who voted for equality for all New Yorkers.
Scalp them; though he doesn't want to offend Native Americans with his metaphorical use of scalping.
He does however, want to offend every single gay American, and every single politician who realizes that the time for equality has come.
Gay families are like every other family, asshat, so you aren't pro-family at all.

Rick Santorum, and his a napkin is a napkin and marriage is marriage analogy:
"I can call this napkin a paper towel. But it is a napkin. And why? Because it is what it is. Right? You can call it whatever you want, but it doesn't change the character of what it is. So when people come out and say that marriage is something else — marriage is the marriage of five people, five, 10, 20. Marriage can be between fathers and daughters. Marriage can be between any two people, any four people, any 10 people, it can be any kind of relationship and we can call it marriage. But it doesn't make it marriage. Why? Because there are certain qualities and certain things that attach to the definition of what marriage is."

But, um, Frothy? What is the napkin has changed? I mean, it still looks like a napkin, and works like a napkin, but it's a little different.
You know, it wasn't sold to another napkin to make the other napkin stronger. It was allowed to choose which napkin it liked. It was allowed to be with napkins of a different color; napkins of a different brand, if you will. But it's still a napkin.
See, just like that, marriage will still be marriage, but it will be more open, and accepting, unlike you, who are actually a piece of toilet tissue and we know where you belong.

Linda Harvey, of the SPLC-certified hate group Mission America, securing her place as the Anita Bryant of the 21st century:
"Kids should not be put in the confusing position of having a teacher they like and respect in many ways who’s also known to be practicing homosexual behavior. Of course that’s where many of our children in public schools today find themselves because the National Education Association not only allows but applauds and defends openly homosexuality and even transvestite teachers. The fact is that no homosexuality should be in our schools, period. When people leave that behavior behind, then they might be qualified for a job involving children. Out and proud homosexuals should not have jobs that involve children. I know that’s not the current policy in many schools but it should be."

First off, Linda, we don't "practice" homosexuality, because we are born homosexual. Maybe you "practice" heterosexuality, but what you do in your bedroom is none of my business, like what i do in mine is none of yours.
You can take your bigoted, homophobic, hate-filled speech and go stand by Anita Bryant, in obscurity, as a footnote in history.
Just a footnote.

Randy Roberts Potts on his grandfather, Oral Roberts:
“Homosexuality and the Bible have never mixed in the eyes of Evangelical Christians. It comes from a deep-seated prejudice. They can’t relate to it, like you and I can’t relate to sleeping with a girl; it’s a little gross. There’s a natural prejudice they have to overcome.”

I don't have any problem with people using their religion to talk about their homophobia. If they want to believe that God or Jesus or Buddha, or whatever God they name, is against me because I'm gay, then they don't know what the essence of God is: Love.
So, you can say God hates me, that Jesus died for me, but you cannot use your bigoted narrow-world-view to legislate against me.
That said, I love that Oral Robers'grandson is a mo, and standing up to speak out againt religion-based homophobia.
We're here. We're queer. We're the granchildren of bigots.

Queen Latifah, in what some are calling her first official acknowledgement of being gay:
"I just like ladies who have class. Period. And if it’s 'T and A' you’re sellin’, that’s fine, as long as that’s what you’re selling. But you don’t have to show everything, you know? You can hold some back and just be yourself and let your personality shine and let your individuality show. To me, that’s sexier. A confident woman is a sexy woman, in my opinion."

I don't know if this is the onset of a coming out movement, or just a woman saying what she finds sexy in another woman.
Latifah might be gay; hell, she probably is gay. But until she goes all Ellen and utters those two little words....I'm gay...she can play all the word games she wants.
I'm over her and her inching out of the closet.

Frank Bruni, New York Times columnist, on Rick Perry's prayer rally:
"With the stock market floundering and our credit rating downgraded and millions of Americans stranded in unemployment and Washington frozen in confusion, the temptation to look for one summary prescriptive — for certainty, even miracles — is strong. We’d be wise to resist it. To get us out of this mess, we need a full range of extant remedies, a tireless search for new ones and the nimbleness and open-mindedness to evaluate progress dispassionately and adapt our strategy accordingly. Faith and prayer just won’t cut it. In fact, they’ll get in the way."

Seriously, do the people who believe in God really think she has the time to get us out of this financial mess? That she's gonna start a little job creationism?
Or is she busy healing the sick? Sending the locusts?
Prayer is nice. I've prayed a time or two, but how about praying that your elected officials stop screwing around with all their overblown egos and get down to the business of doing what they said they were gonna do.
Pray for that, if you wanna.

R. Clark Cooper, Log Cabin Republicans head, on the announcement of Ann Coulter being named GOProud's Honorary Chair and Gay Icon:
"Ann Coulter is not a serious part of the conservative movement -- her positions are a throwback and do more harm than anything else. Her remarks endorsing the widely outdated and profoundly harmful idea of 'reparative therapy,' alleging that one can 'pray the gay away,' are not only demeaning to gays and lesbians, but are offensive to all people of faith. While her position on this matter is off base, it is exacerbated by her claim that the armed forces should bring back 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' a failed policy which impedes military readiness. Servicemembers who put their lives on the line deserve respect, not such clownish behavior."

Ann Coulter wants to sell books, which is why she says the things she says.
She isn't about conservatism, or being anti-gay, or anything like that. She's about Ann Coulter and making a lot of money by pandering to some and incensing others.
She really isn't worth the time it take to type Ann Cou.....

Allen West, Florida congressman, on being able to change one's sexual behavior:
"You cannot compare me and my race to a behavior. Sexuality is a behavior. I cannot change my color. People can change their sexual behavior. I've seen people do that. I grew up in Atlanta, Georgia. So Ive seen a very different perspective on human behaviors. That's where I'm coming from with that. Everyone has the same basic rights. And no one is telling people in the gay community that they don't have the same basic rights that anyone in America has."

No, people can't change their color.
Their skin color or their eye color.
Their height, no. Their weight, sure. their hair color, always.
But, like skin and eyes and height, one cannot change their sexuality.
i mean, c'mon, Allen, could you be gay if you wanted? i mean, if I have all the power to change, how come you don't?

Allen West, Florida congressman, on whether gay people should change their sexual behavior:
"No. I don't think that. You know, I like chocolate chip ice cream. And I will continue to like chocolate chip ice cream. So, there's no worry about me changing to vanilla. I like to, you know, ride my motorcycle. What do you want me to do, change my behavior and ride a scooter?"

So, backpedaling Allen says we can change but that we don't have to change.
We're wrong in every way imaginable, but we can keep on keepin' on, I guess.
But Allen, you dimwit, you could change to vanilla ice cream if you wanted. You could start riding a scooter, if you wanted.
But you couldn't change being straight, and an asshole. You were born that way.

Allen West, Florida congressman, on how his remarks were taken out of context, and how we should not repeal DADT:
"I think that what I said was that is behavior. And so what I talked about is, I prefer, I like chocolate chip ice cream. And I'm not going against what someone prefers as their behavioral preference in their life. But when you start to understand about the United States military. The United States military serves one mission and that is to fight and win our nation's wars and if we start to take the military and try to conform it to individual behaviors no matter what those individual behaviors are we're going to lose the essence of what the United States military is."

Allen, honey, it isn't a preference.
Your love of chocolate chip over vanilla ice cream is a preference.
My attraction to men is an orientation, just like your attraction to women, and it cannot be changed.
And, WTF? Sexual behavior to ice cream and scooters to DADT?
Grrrl, you know how to make an illiterate leap in thought.
You ought to think about changing that.


  1. Holy crap. BEST. POST. EVER.

    It's like you crawled into my brain and put my thoughts into intelligent and witty order.

    Thanks. I love you.

  2. Linda Harvey - I don't ever remember my favorite high school teacher breaking out all homosexual while discussing American literature. I might have missed something... somewhere in his day of teaching 100+ kids, reading 100+ papers, making the time to connect and really know all his students, arranging field trips, and supervising the English department.

  3. so many haters out there. I love Queen Latifah

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Frothy is so unimaginative. You can take a napkin, fold it into a diaper and put it on the bottom of the bottle of the drinker who's nursing their beer rather than drinking it.

  5. Oh, how I would have loved to trade any of my Junior High School teachers for a transvestite, starting with, um, ALL OF THEM.

    I had a sewing teacher that couldn't sew, a math teacher who would go on Korean War rants and turn purple with rage if you so much as chewed a stick of gum, and a biology teacher who was more interested in the attention he got from the girl's tennis team he coached than he was in being aware of the fact that one of his toadies killed all the planeria by using the wrong solution.

    If assholes like Linda Harvey had her way, she'd choose the swim coach from my HS that slept with multiple teenaged girls to the thoughtful and caring English teacher I had who had a girlfriend. Guess which one hit on me?


  6. *Wally's jaw goes all slack as wit center of brain shuts down*

  7. I love that Randy is out & proud... how cool is that?


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