
Friday, August 05, 2011

I Didn't Say It........

Tim Gunn, on Snooki's fashion:
“In the case of say, a Snooki, she looks at herself in the mirror for the first time in that getup and says, ‘Oh my god. Can I really go out in this?’ And then 20 minutes later, she’s still looking at herself and she thinks, ‘I don’t look so bad.’ At the monkey house, it would be, ‘Oh it doesn’t smell so bad anymore.’ Though when you first walk in it stinks, and after 40 minutes it doesn’t smell at all, and that’s when Snooki leaves the house.”

Tim got into some trouble this week when talking about Hilary Clinton's love of the pantsuit being a result of gender confusion, but he is right on about Snooki.
Though i think she still stinks like a monkey cage.

Dolly Parton, apologizing for an incident at Dollywood in which a lesbian was asked to reverse a T-shirt that said "Marriage is So Gay" on it:
"I am truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment regarding the gay and lesbian t-shirt incident at Dollywood's Splash Country recently. Everyone knows of my personal support of the gay and lesbian community. Dollywood is a family park and all families are welcome. I am looking further into the incident and hope and believe it was more policy than insensitivity. I am very sorry it happened at all."

I'm glad Dolly stood up and didn't offer the standard non-apology apology, where the victim is basically blamed.
Dolly has long been a friend of the LGBT community and I know that when she says she's sorry she means it.
Pete LaBarbera, of Americans For Truth, on Dolly Parton's apology to that lesbian patron of Dollywood:
"The question is where can normal families go anymore to get away from the promotion of homosexuality? They can't go to the ballpark because they're promoting homosexuality. Apparently, family theme parks are now promoting homosexuality. Everywhere you go, people see the promotion of homosexuality -- and they don't think it's appropriate for their children, and they're tired of it."

First off, Pete, families with gay parents are normal families, too. And just because gay families go to Dollywood, or Disneyland or anywhere, doesn't mean those places promote homosexuality.
What they promote is business.
What they promote is understanding.
What they promote is equality.
And none of things are bad.

Nancy Pelosi, on Michele Bachmann and the gay teen suicides in her congressional district:
“I would think that if she wanted to be the President of the United States, she would understand that this is a larger issue than whether someone is gay or not, but as to whether someone is harassed and bullied to the point of seeing no way out. Obviously it’s an issue bigger than Michele Bachmann’s district, so maybe we should all be speaking out about it, and not just leaving it to her."

But, Nancy, her district is home to many suicides and this is something that, as a representative if the people in her district, she should be talking about.
But, because it;'s gay people who aren't frequenting her husband's barbaric Pray The Gay Away clinics, and lining her pocketbook, she doesn't give a flying fuck.
After all, it's just fags killing themselves, right Michele?

Oklahoma state Representative Sally Kern, promoting her new book on AFA Radio:
"To me what is hateful is when those people who say ‘you’re born this way, there’s no hope in change, you’re stuck in this, deal with it,’ that is hate. There’s no hope in that. We’re losing our freedom of conscience. And if the homosexuals get what they want, and as you said it’s not just homosexuality, its immorality or adultery, all of that, but in my opinion the homosexual movement is the tip of the spear. They’re the ones who right now are beating down the door, have their foot in the door, trying to tear down the moral fiber of America. We have to stand up to that. The reason it’s the tip of the spear you don’t see ‘Adulterers Victory Fund’ out there trying to promote adultery. God’s people got to stand up to this."

Sally, honey, I was born gay.
You, on the other hand, were taught to hate. You learned to be a bigot. You studied how to be homophobic.
I can't change, Sal, but you could.
If stupidity wasn't also part of your identity.

Former President George Bush, on his reaction to the news of the 9/11 attacks:
"My first reaction was anger. Who the hell would do that to America? Then I immediately focused on the children, and the contrast between the attack and the innocence of children. So I made the decision not to jump up immediately and leave the classroom. I didn't want to rattle the kids. I wanted to project a sense of calm. I had been in enough crises to know that the first thing a leader has to do is to project calm."

Hey Georgie?
Ever think of saying to the kiddies, "Sorry kids, I've got to get back to Washington. I'll see you again soon."?
Or, was your own thought to sit there with your eyes glazed over, and that Oh god, I am so fucked look on your face.
You weren't thinking of the children, you were thinking your little old job was about to get real hard.

Pat Buchanan, explaining how, when he calls President Obama a "boy" he doesn't mean it in a racist way:
"I was asked who was the big losers in this battles and the big winners, and I said one of the biggest losers, using boxing terminology, was 'your boy,' and I meant the president of the United States. Rev. Sharpton said my boy is the president of the United States and he is doing a rope-a-dope in the Ali fashion and he is going to finish off your crowd. Now this was taken, some folks took what I said as some kind of slur. None was meant, none was intended, none was delivered, for the record."

I got news for you, Pat. when you call a Black man 'boy', it's racist.
I mean, I've known that for, like, forever, and I don't make my living speaking to people.
I also don't make my living being an out-of-your-ass talking moron, though, too.
So maybe that explains your idiocy.


  1. ROFL - Tim and his Snooki comment.

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    You gotta love Tim Gunn!

  3. Preach it, brother! You ROCK!

  4. Still loving the Dolly....

  5. I can't even think of a time or place where I've seen anyone promoting homosexuality. Where does Pete go?


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