
Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Ain't One to Gossip, But......

I smell desperation, and it smells an awful lot like Jennifer Love Hewitt.
See, the serial dater has discovered a new way to meet men. She scoops up rejects from The Bachelorette. Yes, indeedy; leftovers form a reality show.
It seems that at the exact moment that someone named Ben Flajnik got unrosed from The Bachelorette, one Jennifer Love Hewitt took to Twitter, to twat how she's been single since her last boyfriend dumped her and she'd love a reality show reject to come a'callin'.
She actually Tweeted: “OMG! Ben F [accept] my final rose!!! Gotta book a flight to Sonoma!!!”
And then she did.
Hewitt flew to Northern California on August 6 for a date with the 28-year-old winemaker and reality TV hasbeen. An eyewitness--and by eyewitness i mean Jennifer Love Hewitt because no one cares about Jennifer Love Hewitt but Jennifer Love Hewitt--says, “Ben from The Bachelorette is making out with Jennifer Love Hewitt. Oh yeah, Ben and Jennifer Love Hewitt appeared to be dating. All in all, Ben seemed to be perfectly content as the second-place loser on The Bachelorette.”
And then to lose again by hooking up with Hewitt.
Wow. Desperation thy name is Hewitt.
Next up, rejects from the Jersey Shore.
But then, if you don't have a career, you have all the time in the world to whore yourself out.

Wow, Kanye West knows no limits to his offensiveness, and how to market himself via his offenses,
We all remember how he milked his I Hate W period, and then rode his Taylor Swift rant for about a year. But then he kept quiet. Was he growing up? Was he deciding to let his, um, music, for lack of a better word, speak for itself?
No, is the short answer.
Onstage, at the Big Chill Festival at Eastnor castle in England he actually compared himself to Adolf Hitler, and Michael Jordan.
He's the Air Fuhrer.
See, it was while he was performing, that he began to lament the fact that he is oh so popular and well-loved and well-known, and all the hardships he endures from his massive fame, by saying, “I walk through the hotel and I walk down the street, and people look at me like I’m f**king insane … like I’m Hitler. One day the light will shine through and one day people will understand everything I ever did.”
But then he switched it up, and said he was a lot like Mike: “Michael Jordan changed so much in basketball, he took his power to make a difference. It’s so much f**king going on in music right now and somebody has to make a f**king difference.”
Kanye West.
Michael Jordan. And Hitler.
Jumping the shark.

It seems that no one likes Lindsay, except bartenders, drug dealers and lawyers.
Lohan was spotted leaving a Coldplay concert last week, looking especially, um, exhausted, I guess is the word, and folks are saying she was also quite upset that she tried to get backstage and was deee-nied.
Rumor has it that Coldplay--Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Guy Berryman, Will Champion--and their tour team, know how to handle people like Lohan, and apparently told the serial-rehabbing-criminal where she could go when she asked--and i think she begged, getting down on her knees, you know, to,.....--for the Triple A pass at the UCLA Tennis Centre.
A source--and by source, I mean the guy who holds Lohan's meds, and is the getaway driver on her jewel heists-- says, “When Lindsay was told she wasn’t allowed backstage because her pass didn’t allow it, she threw a complete wobbler. She protested to the people running the guest list, hoping they’d change their minds but it was still a firm ‘no’. She got even more angry when she found out fellow actress Kate Bosworth was there mingling with Gwyneth Paltrow and the band. In the end she got so fed up, she stormed out.”
Oh Lindsay, starring in Herbie doesn't get you backstage to breathe the same air as Paltrow. And neither do arrests and rehabs and criminal activity.

So, what should Lindsay do?
Well, some say she drove down to Venice beach to score a baggie full of white powder.
Look at the video...HERE....I'll wait.
See? Doesn't Lohan look all jittery and nervous? And that is a sandwich bag with white stuff, right?
She’s trying to pretend like she doesn’t need to buy.  She used to have people that did that for her.
But, truth be told, Lindsay and her people, went into overdrive to downplay the incident. Her publicist, Steve Honig, immediately denied the existence of baggie, or, if there was a baggie, it contained just some sea jasper, a meteor, rose quartz and quartz. Honig blamed the paparazzi, saying, they "[k]nowingly and consciously making inferences about Lindsay that are completely untrue, and creating a fictitious story to get more people to visit their site. We were not given a chance to comment on this story before it went up, and no effort was made to gather the facts about what actually occurred. When I addressed this with the agency, they told me ‘we’re not the New York Times.’ They have made a horrific mistake; the worst part is, they know it but don’t care.”
Seriously. Sea jasper, a meteor, rose quartz and quartz.
And a little ground up Xanax and Vicodin, with a sprinkle of cocaine?
But still, is Lindsay so stupid--and that's a rhetorical part of the question--that she would sit in a storefront and buy drugs right off the street?
Don't answer that.

I love starts and their demands.
Jennifer Lopez and her all-white rooms.
Van Halen and the No Brown M&M's.
But, back to JLo for a minute. It seems that Lopez was scheduled to appear at this year’s Billboard Music Awards when she heard that Beyonce was getting an award. Well, the JLo peeps went into overdrive, asking that JLo get an award, too. When they refused, Jennifer pulled out of her appearance.
The other Jennifer, Aniston, that is,  requests specific cheeses when she’s traveling--but no goat or blue cheese. EVER!!
But the Queen of Crazy Demands has to be wack-a-doo Paula Abdul.
Among the 49-year-old, former dancer, former lipsyncer, former Idol judge, current X Factor judge’s requests are that each one of her assistants must carry and use a tape recorder at all times “because she doesn’t trust her own conversations.”
Well, c'mon, if you were Paula Abdul, would you trust a word that comes out of your mouth?
Paula also makes them DVR and TiVo search her name and record every appearance.
She also asks that her assistants go through her email, and respond to family and friends as the star herself.
I'm not Paula Abdul, but I play her for her friends and family and collect a paycheck to boot!


  1. I have a rant of my own... hometown girl, goalie for the women's national soccer team just announced she is posing naked for ESPN magazine. Little girls in our town worship this young woman. You can show off your athletic bod without adding in ALL the parts.

  2. Fish in a barrel again! Lindsay and Paula I do believe could get a group rate at the funny farm and need too- quick! And Poor Jennifer Love Hewitt, she has to date, she is tired of hearing her name echo in the halls of her home!

  3. What Maddie said.

  4. Jennifer Love-Hewitt (she has natural charms) and shouldn't have to stoop to that level. Oh well!

    As for Lindsay, she is headed down the path Whitney Houston took ... scoring drugs and partying waaaayyy woo much.
    What a waste that is because she was a beautiful young woman once upon a time.

  5. So Paula hired someone to tape all her conversations. Did she hire a lackey to translate them into English as well?

  6. Anonymous5:07 PM

    For all the stuff Lindsanity gets by five finger discount, couldn't she get some of that stuff Cindy Crawford hawks on late night TV to save her skin from looking like a used baseball glove?

    As for Van Halen, the only reason they have the brown M&Ms rider is to test promoters to see if they read the fine print in the contract before they signed it. That's genius.

  7. I could give a shit about either of these hos. I'm waiting on your post concerning Indiana state senator Hinkle and his craigslust escapade. Only you can do this subject justice,

  8. That has to be the worst indiscreet drug transaction I have ever seen.

    I love Lindsay Lohan!

  9. I just read something that said Ben F came out and said he was completely single and dating no one (aka Jennifer Love Hewitt?). Love the weekly recap....


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