
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week

Another week down, and yet another winner for the coveted...coveted?....ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment Of the Week Award. Once again, there was a veritable cornucopia, a plethora, if you will, of great funny, and true, comments from all of you.
I especially enjoyed the responses to Friendship.
So, let's get on with it......

Designing Wally, on I Ain't One To Gossip, But......[specifically regarding the Lady gaga in the wheelchair-bound mermaid kerfuffle]:
On the bright side... We all got to see a picture of The Divine Miss M in this post!

Prince Toddy English, mourning, as we all were, the loss of someone who could have been a legend, on Amy Winehouse RIP
This angers me. We all saw that she was in trouble for years. But nobody did anything but make her a punchline.

Robyn on I Ain't One To Gossip, But.... about eighty-five-year-0old, oops, twenty-five-year-old, Lindsay Lohan:
That's a picture of Lindsay Lohan? I thought you posted a stock image of a crack whore from Corbis Images for a minute there.

Todd Carr on I Ain't One To Gossip, But....on Gaga/Midler, but most tellingly about Lohan:
gotta love a fish quarrel, scales are flying over this wheelchair bit. Lohan better heed the legend of Winehouse, a real life foreshadow, it doesn't get more clear than this.

Mistress Maddie on I Ain't One To Gossip, But....
Lady Gaga, our poor Lindsay and Jlo. I can't even get started. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel!

Mitch Block on I Ain't One To Gossip, But....
Ah, Bob, you are my guilty pleasure.

the island guy on I Ain't One To Gossip, But....
wow, makes you glad that you're not a celebrity

Stan in NH on Rigali Retires: Protecting Child Rapists Is Hard
Unfortunately, the Church always thinks that they can "pray away" those urges. If they slap a priest's hands and move him (notice how here, the "/her" isn't even necessary to be equitable, which is another joke for another day!) to another parish where he'll be able to resist Satan's grasp until the next deliciously young boy knocks on the door! And then, it's back on the merry-go-round, and off to another unsuspecting parish. I wonder if that's why the Church is against abortion. They want to keep the supply of young boys available for their priests! I shouldn't have said that. That was nasty! Sorry, I had my "Ms Thang" in high gear and just cot carried away.

Designing Wally on Rigali Retires: Protecting Child Rapists Is Hard
That's just Piety in the Sky, To think that these men actually care about the people that they are supposedly serving.

Froggy on Oh Newt, Dear Moronic, Homophobic, Adultering Unelelectable Newt:
He could sell some of latest wife's Tiffany trinkets and finance a few more plane rides free of actual unwashed voters.

Kyle on This Should Make Sally Kern Turn Over In Her Crypt:
They are fighting one of our community's hardest fights. You can't look at that picture and not smile. They really look so happy. I'm glad they found the kids and the kids found them. sometimes things do work out pretty good. Now if we could get hem all equally/universally protected and connected. Some day we will get there.

Kyle on Friendship:
Mutual respect, compassion , and empathy are a must. Intelligence, worldliness, and a sense of humor are pretty important too. I guess you can tell we don't have too many friends Bob. That's okay, in a real pinch, the few we do have would risk their lives for us and we would do the same for them. Quality, not quantity is important.

Designing Wally on Friendship:
People often remember what they do for you, and seldom remember what you do for them... A friend is someone that mostly remembers how their life has been made better for having you & can't imagine what they have ever done for you. I'm quite sure for a long time now that JPB is a good friend.

Todd Carr on Friendship:
hypochristians are the worst, I don't even understand the concept of 'moral superiority' they are leading empty lives in some ways, glad my life is filled w/ dramatic friends who fight but also love another for differences and similarities.

Cubby on Friendship:
Here are a couple of analogies I think of to define friendships: Friendships are like leaves floating along in a stream. Sometimes they travel along together. Sometimes one will get side-tracked or caught up in something while another will continue downstream. And sometimes the leaves come back together as if they were never separated. It's not easy to define a friendship between two people. To use an algebra analogy, a friendship is like an equation with two variables. You can define only one of the variables, while the other one is out of your control, and it is up to the other person to define. Sometimes the equation works perfectly. Sometimes you have to tweak it a little or a lot to make it work, and sometimes it's just plain unsolvable no matter how much effort you put into it.

And the winner [again] is the delightful.......
Froggy, for her concise, yet cogent remark on This Should Make Sally Kern Turn Over In Her Crypt:
The more the merrier!

Simple. Direct. To the point. Spot on. And true!
Congrats Froggy!

And thanks to all for your delightful, and thoughtful, comments.


  1. I post hilarious comments on your blog every week. I am fuming I didn't make this list. Sort it out!


  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Stan's comment got me thinking that if the church thinks it can pray away the gay then why hasn't it prayed away the pedophilia and saved themselves all the lawsuits and money?

  3. This is such a funny post in itself, and congrat to froggy! And Stan's line about, 'i'm sorry, that was nasty, I had his my Miss Thang in hear gear-pricless! LMAO!

  4. I love this weekly post. Congrats to this week's honorees!

  5. thanks you, thanks you!
    I enjoyed them all and the fish scales one made me snorkle (a kind of scary version of snorting and chortling).

  6. They are all always so great....
    You must get exhausted trying to find a winner every week.

    Oh, and HOORAY for everyone!!!

  7. I'm humbled to be a part of such a list. Go Froggy!


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