
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh Newt, Dear Moronic, Homophobic, Adultering Unelectable Newt

Bragging and boasting about how he can be a good president, while putting down the current Commander-In-Chief, will not a candidacy make. And now, there are new troubles for Newt "Serial Adulterer" Gingrich's presidential campaign.

It seems that his popularity, such as it was, has sunk to a new low, lagging behind a slew of other Republican hopefuls. And then we get word that his campaign is more than a million dollars in debt. Almost half the debt is for private air travel because Newty and Missus Newty don't fly commercial. And this new development comes just weeks after 18 key aides and advisors abruptly quit.

And yet Newty pledges to stay in the race. In fact, he was in Iowa last week, and the aides that haven't abandoned this rapidly sinking ship say he expects to spend more time in the state in coming weeks, although he plans to skip the Iowa straw poll later this summer that his former aides and advisors has seen as a key part of his campaign there.

And, of course, being a million or so in debt, he has not been able to replace most of the consultants and staff members who fled, instead relying heavily on unpaid, volunteer support, while he stills jets about privately.

He's spinning his lack of funds as an effort to build a grass-roots, Internet-driven campaign he can run with a smaller staff. Again, while he still flies privately so as not to mingle with real people.



  1. He could sell some of latest wife's Tiffany trinkets and finance a few more plane rides free of actual unwashed voters.

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    call me shallow but i'd never vote for someone named NEWT.

    besides, it's one thing when the jokes write themselves; it's an entirely different thing when The Joke writes the jokes for you.


  3. Of course Newt will hang in there. He's counting on the GOP to bail him out because he's too big to fail.


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