
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Michele Bachmann and Peter Lucas Moses: Gay Bashers

Michele Bachmann, 2004:
"I am not here bashing people who are homosexuals, who are lesbians, who are bisexual, who are transgendered. We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and sexual identity disorders. This is a very real issue. It’s not funny, it’s sad. Any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle--we have a member of our family that is. This is not funny. It’s a very sad life. It’s part of Satan, I think, to say this is gay. It’s anything but gay. And so we are not here tonight--in fact, I wish this whole room was filled with the gay community--because we'd reach our hand out in love. The Love Won Out conference was here not too long ago in the Twin Cities, and it’s profoundly sad to recognize that almost all, if not all, individuals who have gone into the lifestyle have been abused at one time in their life, either by a male or by a female."

This is how gay bashing starts. Sticks and stones, you know; it's just words.

But in calling gay men and women a part of Satan, saying we are all unhappy, that we're sad, and  "saying almost all, if not all" gay people have been abused in our lives, which turned us gay, is how it starts.

Then, if you're a Michele Bachmann, you take that hatred, that bigotry, that intolerance, and you fund your husband's "business", which professes to use Christian therapies to make all those gays into straight men and women.

it sounds kind of innocuous, you know, and I imagine some gay folks who are so self-loathing and so brainwashed by religion and the narrow minds of their families, do turn to these sorts of groups, run by the likes of Marcus Bachmann, to rid themselves of their homosexuality. And then they believe they have been cured, and are now heterosexual, when in fact, all they are is even more self-loathing, more afraid, and less themselves.

It all starts with words.
And sometimes it ends in murder.Up in North Carolina, Peter Lucas Moses Jr. is accused of murdering Jadon Higganbothan, a 4-year-old boy. because of his beliefs and association with a radical religious sect. He is also accused of murdering Antoinetta Yvonne McKoy who tried to leave his sect, the Black Hebrews.

But it's the murder of little Jadon that is the most troubling, if one murder can be more troubling than another.

Jadon was murdered because Moses suspected he was gay.

It all seems to have started back in October 2010, prosecutors told the judge, one of the women in Moses' family told him that Jadon had hit another child's bottom. Moses retaliated because he thought the boy might be homosexual--because the child's father had left his mother.

Homosexuality is frowned upon by the Black Hebrews, so Moses asked Jadon's mother to get rid of him. He had two other women set up computers and speakers in the garage, and then he took Jadon into the garage, and while the speakers blared music and the Lord's Prayer, Moses shot Jadon in the head. The women cleaned up the mess, and put the boy's remains in a suitcase in the house until Moses complained of the smell. Investigators discovered the remains in June, months after beginning a missing person case.

Michele Bachmann says gay people are part of Satan and Peter Lucas Moses Jr. killed a child because he thought the boy was homosexual and his religion forbid that.

It starts with words. Michele Bachmann says gay people are 'of' Satan.
It, sometimes, ends in death. Peter Lucas Moses killed a boy in the name of God.



  1. I am so sad while reading this, once again, I can't believe this woman has a platform to stand on. I am terrified of the traction her campaign has developed.

  2. Crazy and sad. Michele needs reparative personality therapy...

  3. That woman is severely thought disordered.

  4. Michele Bachmann aka "The Idiot", doesn't bother me so much anymore..
    Now what bothers me is that there are actual people that elected her & support her. I am slack-jawed at what has happened to this country all in the name of God...

    As for that other twisted f_ck, it is quite obvious to me that he is just killing anything that causes him to see himself...
    He is a liar.

    Oh Hai Princess

  5. Anonymous7:19 PM

    That's a really disturbing post. There are some seriously fucked up people. Religion? The funny thing is they will ALL go to hell.

  6. These are the kind of things that happen when people start off sentences with, "But The Bible says..."

    I HATE how people who profess to love God do not follow his teachings.

  7. omg, how could anyone accuse a child of having a sexual orientation? i mean really? they are just wee little ones beginning to explore their world. i hope they stick his bigot ass in jail, and he becomes the local bitch the entire time he is in jail.

    as for the asshat that is michele? lord help us not let her anywhere the decision making part of our government


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