
Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Just A Thought On The Weiner

"Borrowed' from Joe.My.God.
Well, we've all heard the news by now that it was actually Anthony Weiner's weiner that was TwitPic', and not by a hacker, but by Anthony Weiner himself. And a lot of folks are calling it a silly scandal, and it is, but I keep wondering why? Why he did it, that is; why anyone does it. And what have we learned:
  • Nothing is private anymore. Ever. Every picture you pout on the web becomes the property of the universe and could, and probably will, turn up at the most inopportune time. Especially when they are pictures of your body parts, underwear'd or not.
  • Men love to send pictures of their crotch, Calvin Klein Covered or not, as kind of a Hello there. What is it about Cotton Covered Bangers and Mash, er, Meat and Potatoes, er, Cock and Balls, that says, I wanna send this to a woman I don't actually know but I've "talked" to online? 
  • When you get caught, especially in this day and age, don't lie. You're going to get caught again, and make us suspect every single word that comes out of your mouth.
  • Take a minute, before you email that picture, or Tweet it or Facebook it, or whatever else you might do with it, and ask yourself if you'd send it to your family, or place it in a lovely frame and display it in your home. If the answer is No, then Don't.Do.It. Unless you plan on explaining it to your family, your children, your spouse, your boss, or your country, sometime in the future.
I used to have such high hopes for Anthony Weiner. I loved his snark and sarcasm, and his way of calling out the GOP for being exactly who they are, The Party Of The Rich Only. But now, I wonder. I'll be taking everything he says with a grain of salt right now. See, Tweeting your Brief Bulge isn't a crime, I think; and it isn't wrong, per se. But it does say  a lot about your character when, as a married man, you feel the need to share your privates with strangers.
And while I seriously hope Anthony Weiner can get past this, and seriously hope he never shows his weiner in public again, it saddens me a little that we're becoming a world where this is to be expected. I seriously hope Lizz Winstead is wrong.


  1. The "twit" err "tweet" I saw of his not so tighty-whities was nothing I'd be ashamed of...

    The lying about it may be the downfall of the little wiener's dad though...

    I love the Wiener's wiener lines and love saying WIENER...

    Love to you


  2. Somebody out in interwebz pundit land said - 'Men, these pictures don't really do it for women. You want to catch a woman's attention tweet a picture of you killing a spider or mowing the lawn.'

    (Shirtless, if warranted, would be okay.)

  3. Oh I so want to see the FULL Weiner in all its glory.

    As long as he didn't sleep with any of these gals (and that's certainly not guaranteed), THE WEINER should be fine and will get re-elected to Congress here in NYC. However, he never hid the fact that his dream job is to be Mayor - which I think he'll have to put on hold for now.

    This should clear the way for Christine Quinn, our out-and-proud City Council Speaker to run for Mayor (and win). So it very well could be a WIENER (literally and figuratively) which gives us our first lesbian Mayor.

    Sorry - I just had to go there.


  4. In a better world this would have been between he and his wife. We don't live in that world. Bad thing for an outspoken politician to have in his closet when he opens the door.

  5. I'm disappointed that he lied about it...
    With his personality he could have just said, "Well, you caught me.", and minimized the public outrage.
    (Maybe even throwing the media off balance.)

    Color me disappointed but not shocked.

  6. Im sorry that he did not learn from Bill Clinton-Dont lie!
    I still think that one's sex life is their own business -not mine. If we threw out every politican that had an affair or a fantasy,or lieing - for that matter- D.C. and the state capitals would be nearly empty.
    I live in MN. Yup, the home of Pawlenty (of nothing good)and that MGB wannabe Bachmann. Even after the hoopla about grey undies, I would rather have one Weiner than two morans representing my home state.

  7. He shouldn't have lied but made some humorous remark or whatever. I don't understand why men don't realize that photos of their cocks don't turn women on. I've received many of those pix from men who ask with pride what I think about it. I tell them I'm more concerned with who it's attached to, but they don't get it. Men are more visual and think we are, too, I guess ... and they don't listen - especially when they are typing with one hand.


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