
Friday, June 17, 2011

I Didn't Say It......

New York's Senate Minority Leader John Sampson, on marriage equality:
"I hope our Republican colleagues will join us on the right side of history by giving the votes needed to finally pass marriage equality into law. Let our journey toward equality be a powerful example of what is possible when people lay aside partisanship and work together to do what is right and just. New York is closer now than it has ever been to fulfilling the promise of equality for all our people so our actions finally match our best intentions. The final step is before us. To my Republican colleagues – I urge you to do what is right and join us in supporting marriage equality to give all New Yorkers the more equitable and just future they deserve."

Sounds well and good, on paper, but I don't see a majority of Republicans changing their anti-gay, pandering to the TeaBaggers, goosestepping with the homophobic "christians" any time soon.
And that's a shame, because when marriage equality becomes the law of the land, all of the land, what will they be saying then?

Former NY Giant David Tyree, NOM's latest anti-equality spokesbigot, on same-sex marriage:
“Marriage is the only relationship that actually mirrors a relationship with God — it’s very unique in that way...If they pass this gay marriage bill...what I know will happen if this does comes forth is this will be the beginning of our country sliding toward...anarchy...That will be the moment our society loses its grip with what is right...I don't believe that truth is subjective...If you redefine [ changes the perception of what is good, what is right, and what is just..."

Oh, David Tyree! How many hits did you take while playing football?
This seems like you are just spewing the NOM rhetoric, so I imagine that Maggie Gallagher has her hand shoved far up your ass and is using you as her puppet.
Read my lips, you thick-necked moron.
Marriage is constantly being redefined. Just a few decades back you, as a black man, were not allowed to marry outside your race. But then we redefined marriage.
Get your head checked and get Maggie's hand out of your ass.

Joseph Farah, on how Obama caused the Joplin tornadoes:
"Bible prophecy may have a bad name in the light of Harold Camping's misguided date-setting, but the biggest sign of the end may have been overlooked in all the rapture hysteria of the May 21st weekend. Once again, we saw the U.S. hit with a series of deadly superstorms following Barack Obama's pledge to return Israel to pre-1967 borders. Just days after Obama insisted Israel must give up lands it won through military victory with its enemies, some 200 people were killed by a tornado in Joplin, Mo. There's a pattern here. We saw it in Katrina, when George Bush forced Israel's withdrawal from Gaza. In fact, as everyone from Israeli rabbis to U.S. senators have noted, it seems to happen every single time the U.S. pressures Israel to divide the land."

So, God kills people in Missouri because of something Obama said about Israel?
And that same God tore the roof off my house in Miami, and decimated New Orleans, because of something W said?
How, may I ask, then, would anyone want to worship a god who kills innocent people, and mangles their lives, because of something a US president said?
Why is your god always so evil and hurtful?
Oh, that's right she isn't. You just say that to strike fear into your like-minded minions.

Carl Siciliano, Ali Forney Center executive director, on Tracy Morgan's homophobic rant:
"If Tracy Morgan is truly sorry for what he has done, then he should make the effort to learn the damage that is caused by homophobic parents and help to educate others about the terrible harm caused by parental rejection. He heard the crowd cheering him on. What if one of them has an LGBT child? I would advocate that his employer, NBC, join in this effort. Their power to reach millions is obvious. There is no more valuable effort that can be done for LGBT youth than to work to help them be loved and protected in their own homes."

I must give Tracy Morgan credit.
He has agreed to meet with GLAAD, and he has apologized again, and again, and again, for the idiotic things he said.
If he meant those things, then we've changed his mind, and can change other minds as well.
If he didn't mean those things, then he's learned that some things just aren't funny.

Monsignor Ignacio Barreiro, on Illinois Catholic bishops and their lawsuit demanding exemption from anti-discrimination laws:
"The Catholic Church has often affirmed that here is no 'right to adopt.' It is a privilege and responsibility to be granted only to those married couples who can demonstrate, through their loving, permanent commitment to each other, their ability to make a lifetime commitment to raising a child in the best environment possible. May God bless these shepherds, their flocks and their work, and continue to grant them strength as they weather the storm which will certainly follow their bold leadership. We gladly welcome this clear, public stance for truth, religious freedom, and for children."

So, only married couples can adopt?
Sorry all you single Illinois-y people. You don't get the privilege of raiding a child. And the child doesn't get the privilege of a loving home.
Not to mention you Illinois-y gay folks.
No one except those straight married couples get the privilege, even though nearly half of their marriages end in divorce, and yet the Catholic Church isn't fighting that.
Catholicism is just plain homophobic bigotry masquerading as a religion to make money to keep the Pope in red Pradas.

"Pastor" Jim Romen, on Gay Pride celebrations:
"I'm ex-gay. And so when I hear people celebrating, 'Oh, we're doing the LGBT month,' and those types of celebrations, I want to ask the question: 'Well, when does the state, when does the county of Los Angeles respect those who are ex-gay? When do we celebrate ex-gay month?' We've gone down this road -- it's not good -- and we've changed our lives. When does the state recognize that?"

This reminds me of when I was a kid and Mother's Day rolled around and I asked why there was a Kid's Day.
My father, and mother, would always say, "Every day is kids day."
Well, Pastor, "Every day is straight celebration day. And since you have dubbed yourself ex-gay because you no longer have sex with men, well, then, I guess you call yourself straight."
And when you so-called ex-gays can actually prove you're 'ex' and not just self-loathing homosexuals shoving themselves back into the closet, or bisexuals simply ignoring that one impulse, well, then maybe, maybe, you can have a day.

Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, on the gay pride t-shirts Old Navy is selling:
"Old Navy is promoting a lifestyle that is in complete rebellion against God. Rather than just focusing on giving good products to their customers, they want to use their products now to advocate for a very controversial topic, much less a very immoral and very deadly topic. Unfortunately we have to do the hard work of communicating our outrage, our frustration -- and then following that up with some kind of practical expression such as taking your business elsewhere."

Oh Gary, you ass.
It's a life, not a lifestyle.
It's not even a style. It's just a life.
And if you want to boycott Old Navy, go right ahead.
The gays and the gay-friendlies will be happy to pick up the slack.
Have fun Target.


  1. If God caused the tornadoes to punish us I wonder what poor Japan did?

  2. My I suggest this excellent, reasoned response to all the anti-gay marriage arguments, Fr. Geoff's blog:

  3. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Hey Gary, that suit and tie you're wearing (underwear too) were probably designed by gays, made by gays (yes they have gays in China too), shipped by gay boat and truck drivers, bought by the gay designers (yes gays can have bad taste too), put on the store shelves by gays and sold to you by gays.

    Now know this, don't you think there a more than a few gays working for Gap Inc. - which owns Old Navy and Banana Republic too - might have more than a few gays running the company? Let's not get started on all the advertising they do in print, radio and tv.

    One last thing you bigoted idiot, most of those gays and their straight family and friends are Christians who love god and who are god's creation and love by him. You, I'm not so sure. Jesus never preached hate and I expect there will many more gays in line ahead of you at the pearly gates if you're even allowed in.

  4. I really wish David Tyree weren't so hot. It would be easier for me to hate his guts.

  5. If it weren't for that lucky catch during the Super Bowl no one outside of Manhattan would have ever heard of David Tyree. Is this the only thing he can do to extend his fifteen minutes of fame?


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