
Friday, June 10, 2011

I Didn't Say It.....

Randy Thomasson of Save California, on Harvey Milk Day:
"Wake up, parents. Public schools are no longer for the public. They're government institutions that think that you're children are their children -- and they are going to turn them into homosexual, bisexual, transsexual political activists. Just wait now until Harvey Milk is on a weekday next year, and it's going to be what? Anything goes. It could be gay pride parades on campus; it could be mock gay weddings on campus; it could be essays, mandatory homework saying why Harvey Milk, a bad guy, was a great guy. I mean, this is in-your-face stuff."

Oh Randy, you delusional fuck.
You can't "turn" people gay. People are born this way. Haven't you been listening to Gaga?
I kid.
But, Randy, you delusional fuck, tis true you can't make people gay, or even gay activists. What you can do, and what you are doing, is turning people into haters.
And really, Randy? Gay pride parades on campus? That would be so horrible?
And for the record, you douchenozzle, Harvey Milk was a hero, to the LGBT community and anyone else who felt disenfranchised, and less than. He wasn't working for gay equality, he was working for equality for everyone.

Dan Savage, on WeinerGate:
"A reporter asks if Weiner was drinking or using drugs—if he has a problem—because only a man who has a drinking problem or a drug problem could get caught up in something like this. Do reporters know what men are like? (And lots of women too?) This desire to pathologize behavior that isn't sick—that is, indeed, very common and human and completely and instantly understandable—is itself pathological. Weiner does not have a problem. He has a computer. The whole world has Weiner's problem: same old horniness, brand new box."

Once again, Dan cuts through the crap.
You don't need to be high to email your junk to strangers. You don't have to be drunk to sext someone.
You need to, if you';re a man like Anthony Weiner, to have lost your mind for a moment to think that your sexting exploits and your brief pictures, would not come out. Haven't we learned by now that the story always comes out?

Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy, on the transgender anti-discrimination bill he intends to sign:
“This bill is another step forward in the fight for equal rights for all of Connecticut’s citizens, and it’s the right thing to do,’’ he said in a written statement issued shortly after the vote was taken. “It’s difficult enough for people who are grappling with the issue of their gender identity, and discrimination against them has no place in our society.’’

You don't know what it does for me to hear a politician, any politician, speak out and tell you exactly how they are feeling, and exactly what they mean.
No sidestep. No shuffler. No mindless rhetoric to confuse people.
Malloy is for equality for everyone in his state and he makes no bones, or excuses, for it.

Erica Diaz, lesbian granddaughter of anti-gay NY Senator Ruben Diaz, on her appearance at his Bronx hate rally last month:
"I was so nervous that morning that I threw up. I spoke against him across the street, directly within his view. But then I approached a police officer who escorted me to the podium where he spoke. My grandfather introduced me to the crowd and kissed me on the forehead. 'This is my granddaughter," he said. 'She chose her way of life, but I chose God's way, but I love her.' Grandpa even called me after the rally, to say that he was proud of me for 'respectfully speaking up for what you believe in.' You cannot tell someone that you love them and stay silent when people call for their death. 'Love' is empty when you say someone's life isn't natural. He could quietly vote 'no' if that's what he believes is right. But I want him to know that every word he utters hurts his own blood."

How can Diaz profess to love his granddaughter and then stand up and say she doesn't matter?
How is that love?
Not to mention, how can anyone, these days, still utter the old "chose that lifestyle" bull?
Ruben chose hate.
Erica was born gay.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates, on ending DADT:
"The reality is that you don't all agree with each other on your politics, you don't agree with each other on your religion, you don't agree with each other on a lot of things," he added. "But you still serve together. And you work together. And you look out for each other. And that's all that matters."

That's all that matters.
Can you help protect your country? Then it doesn't matter if you're gay.
Can you play basketball better than most/ Then it doesn't matter if you're gay.
Can you teach children like they've never been taught before? Then  it doesn't matter if you're gay.

Teabagger pin-up boy, Rand Paul, on profiling radical anti-government protesters, as long as they are of the Muslim variety:
"I’m not for profiling people on the color of their skin, or on their religion, but I would take into account where they’ve been traveling and perhaps, you might have to indirectly take into account whether or not they’ve been going to radical political speeches by religious leaders. It wouldn’t be that they are Islamic. But if someone is attending speeches from someone who is promoting the violent overthrow of our government, that’s really an offense that we should be going after — they should be deported or put in prison."

See, if you protest the government you should be deported or put in prison.
But, um, Rand, what about all your Teabagger friends who stand with their guns and threaten to take back the country by ballot or bullet?
Should we lock them up?
Me thinks Rand Paul needs to stop and think before he opens his illiterate yap.
Like, say, stop and think for about thirty years, until you catch up with the rest of us.

NFL Hall of Famer Warren Moon, on having gay teammates:
"I think I have played with a couple of players who have been gay. I know of a couple of players, who I won’t mention their names because they have not made it public yet. It really doesn’t bother me what your sexual preference is as along as you don’t bring in your sexual preferences to the locker room. I think that should be for homosexuals and heterosexuals. That’s a personal part of your life you should deal with in that way. As long as your coming to the football team and bringing a positive influence, that’s all that matters to me."

Back to Robert Gates.
It doesn't matter.
i seriously doubt a professional athlete of the gay variety, worked that hard to get that far in his sport, just so he might get some play in the locker room.

Tony Perkins, of the Family Research Council, on religion and The Gays:
"The so-called Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act has already done more harm to religious freedom than good. The Roman Catholic diocese in Rockford has announced that it will close its doors on the church's adoption program before subjecting children to placement in homosexual homes. Like it did in Massachusetts and Washington, D.C., the Catholic Church refused to violate its convictions. Unfortunately, it's only a matter of time before other dioceses follow suit. For the church, this is an act of self-defense. Without a religious exemption, the law makes programs like this one vulnerable to lawsuits or state budget cuts. Much to the frustration of the bill's own sponsor, the state refused to carve out special protections for the religious organizations like this one. And now the state's neediest children will be paying for it."

The state's neediest children will be paying for it because churches like the Catholic Church refuse to accept that gay people are here, and that we deserve equality and that we can, and do raise children ourselves and do just as good a job of it as straight people.
Remember, Tony, if being gay is such a horrible thing, why not question the parents of gay people. Most of them are straight, so how can they be good parents if they raised gay children?
They can be good parents because they loved and nurtured their children and made them feel safe and protected. And if a gay couple, or gay man or woman, can do that for a child, it's not very Christ-like to deny them that option.


  1. i liked the balance between positive and negative examples in your post, comforts me that those like dan and yourself are out there exposing the flaws in the oppositions argument.

  2. I thought I was going to be the first to post a comment here today... I am still clapping my hands and could not agree with todd more...

    You always bring balance to your posts, one of the reasons I come back each day...

    Thanks for rummaging through all the articles to bring us (that read you) a great picture!

    ps: word verification today on this comment was "AList" which you are on!

  3. ak, it pains me to disagree with my beloved Dan Savage! I think there are all sorts of things wrong with Rep.W. and seeing this type of stuff in our middle school is a real concern. People should value themselves more than reducing themselves to body parts.

  4. I had the biggest crush on Warren Moon growing up! lol

  5. Bob, I though Dan Savage, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Erica Diaz, and Warren Moon had bold responses they should be proud of. Everyone else a whole bunch of crazy going on.


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