
Friday, June 03, 2011

I Didn't Say It.......

Karl Rove, on Mama Grizzly Bore's presidential candidacy:
"I don't think she thinks the rules apply to her. She doesn't need to have the traditional trappings of a presidential campaign, no finance committee, she can raise the money, she doesn't need to go shake a lot of hands in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina. She gets to decide what the rules are that govern her campaign and go accordingly and politics is changing. Some people have done things that have been outside the norm of custom and have won."

She doesn't follow the rules because her self-involved, self-important- out-of-control narcissism, thinks rules apply to everyone but her.
That isn't event PTA presidential, much less United States presidential.
And once she realizes that she'll not be pulling in that exorbitant income from the mindless drones who buy her books and her agenda, she'll go back to being another ignorant loudmouth in a sea of ignorant loudmouths, like Karl Rove, on FOX News.

Wrestler and straight LGBT-ally, Hudson Taylor, on gender roles:
"My concept of gender identity is based around the assumption that gender is performative. As a wrestler and coach I grew up being taught that as a heterosexual athlete I had to act, dress, and live according to a very strict masculine gender script. It wasn't until my interest in the arts that I began to understand that gender didn't have to be so binary after all. It has been that realization that has allowed me to be truer to myself and remains a major reason why I try to challenge heterosexism and homophobia."

See, a penis doesn't make you a man, it makes you male. And male doesn't have to be macho and straight, it can be artistic and straight, macho and gay, artistic and gay.
It's nice that someone like Hudson, who understands gender, and it's fluidity, is able to speak up, to show all people, gay and straight, that gender isn't a sex organ.

Georgia State Representative Rashad Taylor, coming out as a gay man:
"Although this is not the time or the way that I wanted to come out, I feel actually very lucky, thanks to all the support that I've received from those people who are closest to me...As a black man, it can be a struggle to find acceptance within the community and at times with myself as well. But I'm proud of the man my mother has raised, and I make no apologies for who I am. There may be those who want to paint those in political terms. They'll say that this is a political liability to me. To me it's actually a gift form God.Through his grace and examples of thousands of members of the LGBT community who have come out often to great personal and professional risk, I have been blessed. It's your bravery and example that makes it possible for me to publicly and say to you, 'this is who I am and I have nothing to be ashamed of.'"

It seems that Taylor was forced into coming out because of an email that was circulating through the Georgia state house, written by his boyfriend's ex-boyfriend.
Yet, while he was forced out, he has openly embraced being an openly gay man. Now, he can be his true self, and in doing so, can be a better public servant.
Plus, there;s that whole Coming Out Toaster Oven, and copy of The Gay Agenda. It's nice to get gifts.

NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, on marriage equality:
"In talking to state legislators who do not yet support marriage equality, I can sense that many of them are searching their souls for answers – and they are torn. Like all of us, they have friends and family and colleagues who are gay and lesbian. They know gay and lesbian couples who are deeply in love with each other – many of whom are loving and devoted parents, too. They know those couples yearn to be seen and treated as equal to all other couples. And they often hear from their own families – especially their children – that this is a civil rights issue. I hope they listen to their kids carefully and make them proud with their foresight and courage."

Nice sentiment. And it is true that the more gay men and women, and transgendered men and women, who come out, the less fear and ignorance and intolerance there will be.
But, is Bloomberg being honest? Is he doing all he can for marriage equality?
Read on........

Andy, Humm, Gay City News reporter, on Michael Bloomberg's speech:
"Bloomberg's speech today amounted to hollow words. He is the sole reason that Republicans are in the majority in the NYS Senate as he has propped them up literally with MILLIONS of dollars in just the last several years. And he has repeatedly said that he will NOT stop donating to Senators who oppose marriage equality--who also happen to be the ones who oppose GENDA, the AIDS bills we need, and virtually everything else of a progressive nature. Let Bloomberg put his money where his mouth is: Stop funding bigots. It is sickening to watch the gay establishment and average gay people fawn over him like some kind of hero when he is in fact the main reason we don't have marriage equality in New York."

Seems to me that there are two Michael Bloombergs.
One who wants marriage equality, and one who funds politicians against marriage equality.
Hopefully the Bloomberg who speaks in a pro-LGBT voice, will win out over the other one.
Senator Al Franken, on Minnesota's anti-gay marriage amendment:
“Every Minnesotan deserves dignity and equal treatment under the law, and our state’s same-sex couples should have the same right to marry as anyone else — period. This amendment would do nothing more than write discrimination into our state’s constitution and add to the barriers same-sex couples already face to the full recognition of their families. I’m hopeful that common sense and compassion will prevail and that this amendment will be defeated.”

Who ever thought that Stuart Smalley would become a US Senator? And then be able to speak so eloquently about this civil rights issue?
But he understands that LGBT are good enough, smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like us.
And we should have full equality in the united states.

Courtney Love, on Lady Gaga:
"She may be doing fine at the moment, but I'm worried about her future. She's very young, and she's very talented, but she doesn't seem to have any female friends. Or any straight guy friends for that matter. Instead, she surrounds herself with this coterie of gay stylists and advisors who've turned her into this weird, sexless Barbie doll... If she doesn't watch out she'll turn into a lonely drag queen."
You gotta love someone who surrounds herself with addicts and losers telling someone else how to live their life and run their career.
I wonder if Gaga had a lot of female friends and straight male friends if she'd be more like Madonna or more like Courtney?


  1. Bless her heart, Courtney Love, she really thinks her sage wisdom should be heeded.

  2. This post is loaded. I could write a comment on every topic. I'll limit myself. Palin: This woman has no clue about the important issues today. After the election, she returned to Alaska almost broke. To her credit, she knew that Americans focus on celebrity and that is what she created. And it worked big time. She has been aided by the press, who constantly keep her in the spotlight. You can't watch CNN without seeing a story on her. I think the money will keep rolling in.

  3. I hear you can't watch cable news without seeing Mama Grifter. Good thing I ditched cable! I feel insulated from seeing her tour bus on television every hour.

    I don't know what to say about Courtney Love. I almost want to laugh but you have to admit Lady Gaga's peaked and there's only one way down from the top.

  4. Looks to me that Courtney could have used a couple gay stylists....
    They would have kept her from ending up in the state she's in...

  5. I think it's ironic that Rove's issue with Palin is that she doesn't think the rules apply to her... I think the issue is that she's an imbecile.

    I also think that Rove has always felt the "rules" don't apply to him. Perhaps he's recognizing a personal fault in others?

    Either way I dislike and to use a Palin term "Refudiate" them both.

  6. Courtney Love, is doling out real world advice? Perish the thought. Courtney is the kind of person my mother told me to avoid lest I wanted to wind up on skid row doing tricks for nickels and dimes to feed my meth addiction.
    Uhm, Gaga, keep doing what you're doing. Just consider the source.


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