
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hey Teabaggers? You Picked her!

Even though she already appeared in one Presidential Debate, where she announced she was running for President, Michele Bachmann went to Iowa this week to announce again that she wants to be our Crazy-Eyes-In-Chief.

Now, you may wonder why she's announcing again. Well, no one, except for her faithful wingnut minions, ever believes a word she says because she's known for her tendency to, um, lie, so she says everything twice.....or thrice.

So, there she was in Waterloo, Iowa, you betcha by golly wowing her fans as she announced she would be the next president of these Untied States. And during her announcement, she compared herself to one of the towns most famous residents, John Wayne, saying,  "That's the kind of spirit I have too."

Um, Michele? Honey? John Wayne wasn't from Waterloo. It was John Wayne Gacy, serial killer, to whom you compared yourself. Gacy, who has "that kind of spirit", as Bachmann reminded us, murdered 33 young men and teenage boys in the late 70s.

Oh, Michele.
You're dumb.
And you will never be president of anything.


  1. Daughter and I decided that, if we knew she could not win, it would be an entertaining race to watch. Like Whack A Mole, count the gaffs.

  2. I view her as sort of a Dan Quayle with lipstick...only not as intelligent. Hmmmm...another Republican product...interesting.

  3. When Stan and I talked this morning on the phone(he's in Philly), he mentioned that he was able to see some of the commentary about her presidential bid announcement. He asked if I saw the news video interview where she talked about John Wayne being from Waterloo. I hadn't so I told him no. Then it hit me that John Wayne is from Iowa, but not from that town and then I realized what he was going to tell me. I almost pissed my pants from the laughter/horror of her mistake. As long as she doesn't get access to GOP Super PAC money bags, I think we will be okay.

  4. Don't you just imagine her PR people cringe every time she opens her mouth?!

  5. She is going to be a barrel of laughs! Wait till she gets in on the debates. She has a habit of cooking up some numbers and serving it with a side order of illogical thinking.


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