
Friday, May 06, 2011

Some Teachers Shouldn't

Down in Texas, where things are big, and sometimes stupid, a high school teacher has been put on administrative leave after an incident where he allegedly said, to a 9th grade Muslim girl, "I bet that you're grieving" following the death of Osama bin Laden. he also, allegedly, said, before that, "I heard about your uncle's death."

A teacher. Someone who should know better.

The girl's name is not being released--and neither is that of the teacher--but what sickens me most, other than the blatant sickness of the comments--are the fact that the teacher allegedly showed no remorse for his comments. 

After making his remarks, the girl began to cry, and when he asked why she was crying, another student said it was because of what he'd said to her. the teacher allegedly shrugged and smirked and went on with the class.

The Clear Creek Independent School District released this statement:

In the Clear Creek Independent School District, we believe diversity strengthens our community and seek opportunities to celebrate the different cultures within our schools and neighborhoods. The sentiments allegedly shared by this teacher are not reflective of the staff at Clear Brook High School or anyone within the Clear Creek Independent School District.
In accordance with CCISD policy, the teacher has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of a personnel investigation. The student did the right thing and immediately notified an adult regarding the teachers' comments. The principal at Clear Brook High School notified the child's parents and has been in communication with the family.

I think the statement could have been a bit more succinct; something along the lines of: The teacher has been fired.

via TalkingPointsMemo


  1. There have always been bullies as teachers. Many of them are really sneaky about it - I'm talking to you, CJ... The good thing is that they are being found out more and more and being held accountable for it.

  2. Yes I agree, the teacher really should have been fired. He probably won't be thought. He will probably be excused for getting caught up in the emotion over the past few days of news events.

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    The school district called me today and notified me that this teacher was terminated. As an american muslim who was born and raised in minesota, I dealt with several teachers in junior high and high school who made inappropriate comments to me. However I was 1st generation american and didnt know what measurements to take any action against these type of teachers. Im thankful that the school district in houston terminated this teacher.

  4. I work in this district, and my children attend Clear Brook High School, and I am happy to say that this teacher's insensitivity does not represent the community we live in. He is no longer a teacher at that school, thankfully. Found your site by accident in a search for something else. I can see we might not agree politically, but I do agree with you on this. There is just no excuse for stupidity!


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