
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week: Designing Wally

Since I get so many wonderful comments, I've decided to create what i hope will become a new weekly feature, in which I will honor the Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week.

These comments can be funny, educational, snarky, mean-spirited, stupid, completely wrong, or reek of asshattedness, but they will be honored nonetheless.

So, without further ado, the Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week winner is....

Designing Wally! In response to my post [read it HERE] about Michelle Bachmann being challenged to debate Amy Myers, a New Jersey high school student, Designing Wally made it clear why Bachmann would not accept the challenge:

designing wally said...

She won't...

Mastering Debating is a sin.

So, thanks to Designing Wally for being the first of what I hope will be many ISBL Outstanding Guest Comment Of The Week winners.
And now, go on and look at Wally's blogs:
Twisted Red Herring....might be slightly NSFW but worth the trip.
A Queen's Queen....might be a little NSFW but also well worth the trip.


  1. Thank You!
    Thank You!
    And now, I would like to thank all the little people....
    And by little people I mean Michele Bachmann & her supporters...

    Thanks Bob!

  2. I think I kinda nominated him....

  3. Awesome. How did I miss that?

  4. That was a worthy quip. Nice choice. Best wishes, Wally. I truly wish I'd said that!

  5. Nicely done, Wally!

  6. such brilliance and all from
    the fingertips of a mere mortal.



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