
Friday, May 27, 2011

Just For Giggles

If the elections were held today, who would win the GOP nomination?
I giggle 'cuz it's true.


  1. That pretty much sums it up for the GOP.

  2. Watch out, Sarah Palin may drive you over with her bus!

  3. Just be glad Peter Fonda hasn't figured out how to sign up to run yet.

  4. Heh Heh!! None of the above!!!

  5. This is great. It couldn't happen to a better class of people! :) But while it is funny, let's not relax, or start popping champagne corks. Repubs are relentless and vile creatures who never give up. We must be cautious and continue to kick them while they're down, or they won't stay down for long. Remember, they don't have the truth on their side, so they have nothing to loose. They lie, cheat, and steal. They'll do anything to win.
    Good only wins if it is careful and diligent. Let's add smart to that list, as well.
    Just saying...


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