
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bret Easton Ellis Can Suck It, Too

Oh, you stepped in something else, asshat.
You'd think an author would think twice before publishing his little tirades 
of homophobia. You'd think a human being wouldn't find making a joke out
of HIV  to be a 'novel' thing to do. You'd think Bret Easton Ellis wasn't some
has-been hack looking for a little more attention.
He and Kobe should do their "I'm A Dick And I'm Sorry" Tour together.


  1. What I don't understand is that Bret is gay or at least bi. I think he's admitted it so why the hell would he be saying crap like that?

  2. Do you have any idea who this guy is? I've never heard of him.

  3. True story. I had the displeasure of sitting next to Bret and Jay McInerney in a bar in NYC during their coked up heyday. The shit that was flying out of their mouths was so outrageous and heinous that I wrote it on my bar napkin as I shared astonished looks with my friend.

    So this is no surprise. Pig.

  4. Cubby, Bret is a writer. He wrote Less than Zero and American Psycho. He is also gay

  5. That's some self-loathing shit right there. Ellis has never had the guts to say he is gay - he admitted to being bi, but the fucker is gay (I'm pretty sure he has a live-in boyfriend).


  6. Harold from "Boys in the Band" said it best: "Who IS she? Who WAS she? Who does she hope to become?"


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