
Friday, March 18, 2011

Stay Away From Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers, Once Again That's Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers

Up there in Canada, you know, with their marriage equality and health care and stuff, a florist in Riverview, New Brunswick is in a bit of a thorny situation. It seems that she is refusing to provide wedding flowers to a same-sex couple, according to the event's planner. 

See, the florist, Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers, that's Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers, agreed to provide the flowers for a wedding, but after finding out that the marriage was for a :::gasp::: same-sex couple, Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers sent out the following email:

"I am choosing to decline your business. As a born-again Christian, I must respect my conscience before God and have no part in this matter."

Well, good for you, Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers; good for you.

You go ahead and discriminate against gay couples because, in your head, that's what god wants. But keep in mind that it's illegal in New Brunswick to do so. And keep in mind, Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers, that now that the word is out that you are a bigot and a homophobe, you won't be getting many gay customers--which I'm sure is just fine by you and your stony little heart--but you also won't be getting any business from straight couples who don't like discrimination, from straight couples who can still remember when, in certain parts of the world, just a few decades back, there were signs on windows and doors, and drinking fountains, making sure the "colored" people didn't use the same things as the white folks did.

And that's what you're doing.

So, Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers, again, that's Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers, hang a sign in your window that says Straights Only and see how long you stay in business.



  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Petals and promises does not need to worry about losing business, for it is inheriting the kingdom of heaven...and I would say that is a pretty good return on investment:

    "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:10

  2. Oh, but i beg to differ.
    If you believe that God Is Love, she wouldn't be happy with Petals and Promises being so un-Christ-like.
    And by your own quote, then the LGBT community, one of the most persecuted throughout time, will be rolling in Heaven's gold, eh?

  3. Canadian florist is making clear that if your wedding is a same sex wedding, she won't be providing the flowers. Really this issue is the florist petals and promises wedding flowers in new brunswick, canada. Thanks...

  4. TED the Tiger10:36 AM

    Awww, the poor persecuted florist... lol. I love how there's this huge ethical lapse as the florist refuses business to a gay couple and is now considered 'persecuted'. Just think, you can't deny business to gays...what next, they're going to make you sell to n*ggers too? GASP! GOD forbid!

    You know what sucks? Try being gay and ordering flowers for your lover, then wondering if they'll actually reach their destination in decent shape because you can't trust your florist. Something straights might not have had to consider.

  5. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Here's the REAL story on Petals and Promises:

  6. Moncton homosexuals harass at the home of Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers in Riverview, NB

    The Moncton homosexual community organized and executed what they termed a “peaceful” protest at the home of Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers in Riverview, NB.

    Of course we know that this was nothing short of militant homosexuals gathering to harass a Christian who in fact serves homosexuals but not homosexual weddings. Huge difference between persons and events.

    The Moncton homosexuals mobilized through Facebook (click here) and while claiming to be “peaceful” they instead were harassing, with two RCMP cars needing to be present to make sure the peace was not broken. It’s quite obvious that perhaps things could have turned sour…otherwise, the RCMP would not have needed to be there.

    There was, of course no counter-protest or confrontation with these militants as this is (1) what they wanted and as it was (2) what they expected and as (3) we did not want this. Instead, we went into the home early and gathered to pray.

    Some of the homosexuals believed, initially, that I was leading the prayer meeting, which was inaccurate information. I led nothing; a Pastor led and all of us prayed together as one voice raised up by God to magnify the Name of Jesus.

    Gathered inside of the home were Christians from different Bible Believing Churches and we did not even see the small crowd of homosexuals outside as we were involved in praying for one another, the protesters and all the way up to praying for the Japanese earthquake victims. There was simply no time for us to focus our attention towards what was happening in front of the home.

    Just after 3PM, two individuals came to the door to offer their support with a wonderful letter they wrote. They were invited in and joined in the prayer meeting with all of us.

    True to their word, the homosexuals left flowers outside of the home of Kim Evans while the media filmed the event.

    By the Grace of God we had no sense of awareness that a crowd had gathered outside; instead, we lifted their voices to God and called on the Name of Jesus in earnest prayer for various things.

    The atmosphere in the home was powerful as the Presence of God filled the home; there was a clear sense that God’s Hand was moving and will continue to move without the need for Christians to speak a word.

    While the homosexuals were gathered in unity outside, we were gathered in one accord inside.

    There was no hatred or mean spiritedness towards those we prayed for; instead, there was a clear love and compassion from the Believers who were praying. It was wonderful to come into such an intimate atmosphere of prayer with these spiritual giants who didn’t show anger or hatred but instead loving prayer, not only for Kim Evans and her family but also for the protesters.

    The common theme was: God has everything under control.

  7. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Here's the sick homosexuals harassing the home:

  8. Thanks to all you name calling "Christians" who stopped by, but, um, quick question:
    If a gay woman owned a flower shop and refused to have any part of a Christian heterosexual wedding, you'd be cool with that?
    Or would it just be militant homosexuals again?

  9. Anonymous1:28 AM

    I support Kim. She is really Christian, really smart and brave woman. On her place I woudnt care about stupid demonstrations. I dont think that I have to do something against Got to be nice for gay/lesbians. I absolutely dont care what they think and what they feel. May be I also feel bad when I see them. Does they care?

  10. Sanne2:32 PM

    everyone has the right to love, everyone. i think people are so smallminded about these sort of things.
    It don't matter if you love a boy, or girl. I can't stand people think they better because of some book that's morde then 2000 years old (if it's real) if you are a good christian (what ever that means) you have to follew everthing what the bible says, so don't work on sunday, a virgin when you marre etc.
    all people are equel.

    sorry for the language but I;m Dutch (you know the country where gay-marriage, abortion en euthanasia is legal, hallelujah)

  11. Anonymous12:47 AM

    I support kim and she has every right to her religion and to refuse serving Gays& Lesbians.

    I hope she is reading this also!

    Its a wellknown fact the bible is against homosexuals..

    I will Gladly continue to support petals and promises riverview nb

  12. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Apperntly god isn't so forgiving.

  13. Amanda3:58 PM

    lol i love how all of the "Christians" are remaining anonymous to quote the bible and everything. For those of you who believe that she was right in refusing, have you not heard of in the bible how it tells you not to judge others? or how about all men/women were created equally and we are all his children?

  14. Petals & promises just earned me as a customer! Ill be sure to tell her why the next time i call for an order. Good job Kim.

  15. Anonymous11:03 PM

    Amanda you pathetic frothing hypocritical nihliist and slave to the marxist thought crime police, post your full name, address and phone number then.

    Didn't think so.

    Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

  16. Name Goes Here11:07 PM

    Anonymous said..."Apperntly god isn't so forgiving."

    To receive forgiveness you must first repent and ASK TO BE FORGIVEN.

    Mat 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

    Rev 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

  17. Can you imagine any company refusing business of any type these days? Forget the politics and morality, it's just a stupid business decision. She must have received her training at the professional school of "Whack-a-doodle"...

    Imagine if she were to go to her favorite restaurant, or bank, or maybe even the wholesaler that sells her flowers to her, and be refused service because she was straight... It's not against the law here in Virginia, but rest assured (unless the server owned the establishment) the employee would surely be fired...

    No company out there to make money is stupid enough to turn away a paying customer...

    Or is there one?

    Love the post man!

  18. Really? There are actually straight florists?

  19. Anonymous7:29 PM

    "stony little heart?"
    I have met Kim Evans, and she has nothing close to a stony little heart. She is a nice woman, who believes strongly in her faith.

    Rather, as a wedding florist, she did not wish to take part in a ceremony that would go against her religious beliefs. The idea here is that she is not discriminating against a person, but rather refusing to participate in an event that goes against what she believes.

    As someone who comes from both sides of the perspective, I think that the way that people are reacting is ignoring the fact of Mrs Evan's rights as a human being to practice her religious beliefs by refusing to take part in ceremonies that go against her religion. You wouldn't force an atheist to go to church, would you? It goes against their beliefs.

    It is interesting that so many people have brought up how it is "bad business" for her. The fact that she chose to decline her service from the event demonstrates that she's not just doing this to make money. She is doing this because of her love for what she does and wants to do it in a way that fits with her own personal convictions. Her beliefs are more important to her than money. It seems like few people understand this in this modern age that is so concerned with making a profit.

  20. She may be a "nice" woman, but what she is doing is illegal.
    She might be following her faith, but she isn't in the "business" of faith following, she is in the business of being a florist.
    Her seeling flowers to a gay couple for their wedding is not "taking part" in the ceremony; it is not condoning the ceremony; it is not believing in the ceremony.
    It's business, and she doesn not have the legal right to discriminate.
    Or judge.

  21. Danie249:05 AM

    I wonder how she would feel if atheist/secular/freethinking business owners stopped serving her because she believes in Fairy Tales?

    Just another example of a Xian doing the devils work.. making people feel unaccepted, ashamed, hated and horrible. Seperating people and judging them when they are the ones who believe in uncritical, unscietific claims without evidence, reason or logic.


  22. Danie249:10 AM

    Amanda.. Xians are hypocrites in every aspect of their lives. They cherry pick their lovely book to suit their own lives. And each and every Xian has their own personal beliefs that completely contradict the next Xians beliefs.

    The entire bible is a contradicton. We just have to pat their heads and smile.. poor kids.

  23. Anonymous9:13 AM

    LOL @ Danny
    I guess he doesn't realize that most of the protesters were STRAIGHT!

    That's how a REAL community of people treats each other. They support and love each other and stand up for ignorant, racist, bigots like Kim Evans.

  24. Anonymous9:41 AM

    *stand up AGAINST ignorant, racist, bigots like Kim Evans.
    Sorry for the typo

  25. Russell of Australia1:18 AM

    God is love..thats only one must read scripture in its entirety. See Dueteronomy 4:24For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire, even a jealous God.He is jealous for obedience to His name and His word. Thats what Kim is doing..simple obedience to Gods commands...well done Kim..may more of us be given the strenght to be so bold.

  26. What commandment?? I've read all 10 and can't find one banning ambiance from a gay wedding. I also wasn't aware there were different levels of Christianity with Kim being VERY Christian?! One day we will look back and see this as what it is, yet another example of a religion based on love used to discriminate and judge. I am Christian and have a hard time finding the verse in my bible that tells me to judge others. If these people took some time to get to know a few gay and lesbian people they would realize they were born that way and its not a lifestyle choice. Then they could stop accusing our saviour of mistakes. Last time I checked the great I am I am was the only perfect being to grace our earth with his presence. Stop trying to pretend you could even come close to knowing what god thinks. Any moron that can read, can twist his words to suit there own agenda. The only message I get loud and clear is LOVE everyone no matter what. Stop wasting your time, go feed some homeless people, hold a premie, spend some time with our societies abandoned seniors. Peace out, Stacy

  27. Kim is a bigot and a homophobe. Nothing she did shows her love of Jesus Christ.


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