
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letters! We Get Letters: Petals And Promises Wedding Flowers Edition

My gosh.
You gotta love a Christian who endorses discrimination, dontcha?
After writing about how Kim Evans, of Petals And Promises Wedding Flowers, refused to complete the order she was given for wedding flowers after discovering the flowers would go to a :::gasp:::: gay couple, I got all sorts of lovely Christian responses.
Let's take a look:

Anonymous [Bob: Anonymous, naturally] said:
Petals and promises does not need to worry about losing business, for it is inheriting the kingdom of heaven...and I would say that is a pretty good return on investment:
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:10

So, um, yeah, the Christians are the only persecuted people on Earth, eh? Well, what about the gay couple Kim Evans of Petals And Promises Wedding Flowers persecuted because she don't like The Gays?
You wanna talk about persecuted people being welcomed into the kingdom of heaven, y'all better get ready for a Big Gay Invasion!

TED the Tiger said:
Awww, the poor persecuted florist... lol. I love how there's this huge ethical lapse as the florist refuses business to a gay couple and is now considered 'persecuted'. Just think, you can't deny business to gays...what next, they're going to make you sell to n*ggers too? GASP! GOD forbid!
You know what sucks? Try being gay and ordering flowers for your lover, then wondering if they'll actually reach their destination in decent shape because you can't trust your florist. Something straights might not have had to consider.

Amen, Ted.
Kim Evans of Petals And Promises Wedding Flowers is, let's say this together, in business, not in church, and if she doesn't want to serve gay people, or gay couples because of her skewed vision of what it means to be a Christian, then good for her.
But Kim Evans of Petals And Promises Wedding Flowers should hang a "Straights Only" sign in her window, so people who don't like being discriminated against, or don't like discrimination of any kind, can go to any other florist.

Danny said:
Moncton homosexuals harass at the home of Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers in Riverview, NB
The Moncton homosexual community organized and executed what they termed a “peaceful” protest at the home of Kim Evans of Petals and Promises Wedding Flowers in Riverview, NB.
Of course we know that this was nothing short of militant homosexuals gathering to harass a Christian who in fact serves homosexuals but not homosexual weddings. Huge difference between persons and events.
The Moncton homosexuals mobilized through Facebook (click here) and while claiming to be “peaceful” they instead were harassing, with two RCMP cars needing to be present to make sure the peace was not broken. It’s quite obvious that perhaps things could have turned sour…otherwise, the RCMP would not have needed to be there.
There was, of course no counter-protest or confrontation with these militants as this is (1) what they wanted and as it was (2) what they expected and as (3) we did not want this. Instead, we went into the home early and gathered to pray.
Some of the homosexuals believed, initially, that I was leading the prayer meeting, which was inaccurate information. I led nothing; a Pastor led and all of us prayed together as one voice raised up by God to magnify the Name of Jesus.
Gathered inside of the home were Christians from different Bible Believing Churches and we did not even see the small crowd of homosexuals outside as we were involved in praying for one another, the protesters and all the way up to praying for the Japanese earthquake victims. There was simply no time for us to focus our attention towards what was happening in front of the home.
Just after 3PM, two individuals came to the door to offer their support with a wonderful letter they wrote. They were invited in and joined in the prayer meeting with all of us.
True to their word, the homosexuals left flowers outside of the home of Kim Evans while the media filmed the event.
By the Grace of God we had no sense of awareness that a crowd had gathered outside; instead, we lifted their voices to God and called on the Name of Jesus in earnest prayer for various things.
The atmosphere in the home was powerful as the Presence of God filled the home; there was a clear sense that God’s Hand was moving and will continue to move without the need for Christians to speak a word.
While the homosexuals were gathered in unity outside, we were gathered in one accord inside.
There was no hatred or mean spiritedness towards those we prayed for; instead, there was a clear love and compassion from the Believers who were praying. It was wonderful to come into such an intimate atmosphere of prayer with these spiritual giants who didn’t show anger or hatred but instead loving prayer, not only for Kim Evans and her family but also for the protesters.
The common theme was: God has everything under control.

Oh, Danny, how nice that you lifted your voice to God about those "militant" homosexuals, who left flowers for Kim.
But, um, while you were all inside praying, did God happen to mention how she felt that one of her own was discriminating against another of her own?
Yeah, I know.

Anonymous [Bob: dunno if this is the first Anon or a new Anon] said:
Here's the sick homosexuals harassing the home:

Hmmm, Anon must have gone to a different protest because, unless laying flowers at someone's door is harassment, I'm missing the point.

Anonymous [Bob: Again with the Anon?] said:
I support Kim. She is really Christian, really smart and brave woman. On her place I woudnt care about stupid demonstrations. I dont think that I have to do something against Got to be nice for gay/lesbians. I absolutely dont care what they think and what they feel. May be I also feel bad when I see them. Does they care?

Um, wow.
Where to begin.
Get thee to a dictionary.

Sanne said: 
everyone has the right to love, everyone. i think people are so smallminded about these sort of things.
It don't matter if you love a boy, or girl. I can't stand people think they better because of some book that's morde then 2000 years old (if it's real) if you are a good christian (what ever that means) you have to follew everthing what the bible says, so don't work on sunday, a virgin when you marre etc.
all people are equel.
sorry for the language but I;m Dutch (you know the country where gay-marriage, abortion en euthanasia is legal, hallelujah)

Well-said, Sanne, even in the broken English!
I have a question for the "Christians":
If a gay man or woman owned a flower shop and refused to have any part of a Christian heterosexual wedding, you'd be cool with that?

Or would it just be militant homosexuals again?

Anonymous [Bob: another Anon!] said:
I support kim and she has every right to her religion and to refuse serving Gays& Lesbians.
I hope she is reading this also!
Its a wellknown fact the bible is against homosexuals..
I will Gladly continue to support petals and promises riverview nb

Anonymous [Bob: Oy! So Many!] said:
Apperntly god isn't so forgiving.

Now you're just poking them with sticks.

Amanda said:
lol i love how all of the "Christians" are remaining anonymous to quote the bible and everything. For those of you who believe that she was right in refusing, have you not heard of in the bible how it tells you not to judge others? or how about all men/women were created equally and we are all his children?

I agree, Amanda.
They are acting very Christ-like.

Troy said:
Petals & promises just earned me as a customer! Ill be sure to tell her why the next time i call for an order. Good job Kim.

First off, Troy, thanks for what ALLEGEDLY is your real name.
Secondly, how are you to feel when a business decides it won't cater to Christians?
Or men named Troy?
Discrimination against one of us is discrimination against all of us, so when it happens to you--and it will--who are you going to ask to help.
Not The Gays, please.

Anonymous [Bob: Is it part of the faith to post anonymously?] said:
Amanda you pathetic frothing hypocritical nihliist and slave to the marxist thought crime police, post your full name, address and phone number then.
Didn't think so.
Eph 5:6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

And there we have it!
The anonymous name-calling in the name of God, someone chooses to believe differently.
And, of course, the perfect Bible verses that fit your rant, while seeking to ignore all the others.
Very, very Christ-like.
She would be so proud.

Name Goes Here [Bob: Another form of Anonymous] said:
Anonymous said..."Apperntly god isn't so forgiving."
To receive forgiveness you must first repent and ASK TO BE FORGIVEN.
Mat 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Lev 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

Yes, Anon, tell us what God thinks.
About judging others.
Casting stones.
I don't think she'd be too happy with you.

Here's the final word, because I'm closing the comments on that post since some of you "Christians" have resorted to name calling and veiled threats:
Kim has the right to believe whatever she chooses, but it is illegal, um, against the law, for her to discriminate against people for many reasons: color, gender, age, religion, orientation.
She is breaking the law.
Plain and simple.
And the Bible is also against eating shellfish. Put down the shrimp, Christian.
It's against wearing clothing of mixed fabrics; get thee to a Hemp store.
It's against tattoos, cutting your hair, shaving your face.....I could go on.
Do not call yourself a Christian when you pick and choose which parts of the Bible, which is a history book, not a book or morality, to which you will adhere.
You don't want to cater to gay people, put the "Straights Only" sign in your windows and your ads and see how long you stay in business.


  1. Excellent job, my young apprentice. It seems that when I google "Petals and Promises Flowers", your post is the #3 search result! Of course I had to do it multiple times, and click on your link each time - just so google knows that this post should probably be #1 or #2.

    Poor oppressed bigots... it must be hard to hate in this day and age. With the innerwebs and the Googles letting people know just how bigoted you really are.


  2. You wanna talk about persecuted people being welcomed into the kingdom of heaven, y'all better get ready for a Big Gay Invasion!

    That was awesome and thank you for the first huge laugh I've had in days.

  3. Well done, my lad.

    It's always a treat to sit down and read the "love" coming from these people.

    God must be facepalming a lot these days.

  4. Can you imagine any company refusing business of any type these days? Forget the politics and morality, it's just a stupid business decision. She must have received her training at the professional school of "Whack-a-doodle"...

    Imagine if she were to go to her favorite restaurant, or bank, or maybe even the wholesaler that sells her flowers to her, and be refused service because she was straight... It's not against the law here in Virginia, but rest assured (unless the server owned the establishment) the employee would surely be fired...

    No company out there to make money is stupid enough to turn away a paying customer...

    Or is there one?

    Love the post man!

  5. Anonymous1:50 AM

    I think God is going to have a lot more room in His kingdom. I can't picture any of these people passing through the pearly gates when their time is up.

  6. Wow, that took a little while to read. Bob, I can always count on you to provide entertaining commentary to disheartening news. Thanks for taking the time to highlight the issue in your own personal way. It makes the bigoted look as awful as they should.


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