
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Consuelo Roca Jones Quits The Modeling Biz

Well, it's not such a shock. After being hounded for two weeks by the bobarazzi, and finding herself splattered across the internet like Britney Spears with electric shears, Miss Consuelo Roca Jones has been granted a reprieve from the Daily Pictorial by the Grand Marquesa de DustBunnies, DavidDust.
She will no longer be making a daily appearance in this space, and I will no longer see this face every time I reach for a camera:

Miss Jones has conceded to making the occasional appearance here, as she is nothing, if not gracious, to her fans. But she will be enjoying her semi-retirement, sitting in windows, trying to slither under doors, chasing Tuxedo, scaring Max, and flopping to the floor because she wants a belly scratch.
Miss Jones regrets she's unable to model today.


  1. We will miss her!
    Abby wants to know if she has time to be an Evil Minion now?

  2. Think of the children, Bob, THE CHILDREN.

    Wow, I'm bored today.

  3. Kitty stink eyes rule!


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