
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Big Surprise!! Gaga And Target Part Ways!

I knew it wouldn't last.

The reported deal between Target and Lady Gaga was dissolved this past week.

I knew it.

Target has a habit of changing their minds without reason or rationale. They say they support the LGBT community, and especially their LGBT employees, but them they give money to anti-gay politicians like Tom Emmer, who in turn gives money to "Christian" rock bands who think gays should die.

Target gets called out on their donation, and they apologize. Then, they say they aren't sorry, that it's just "business". So, then they announce that they'' be working with the LGBT community to improve their image, only to re-announce that they won't be working with the LGBT community.

So, for me, and, I'm sure, most of the LGBT community, we knew the Target/Gaga connection wouldn't last.

Bob Witeck of Witeck-Combs Communications, who was familiar with the dissolved deal, although he does not represent Gaga or any of the parties, says: "Despite the expectation that this was all unfolding as a deal, it has been in a sensitive stage of continued discussion for probably the last three weeks. Quite a few people, even early on, were afraid it was going to dissolve."

Back in February, Gaga talked about the deal, saying: "[O]ur relationship is hinged upon their reform in the company to support the gay community and to redeem the mistakes they've made supporting those groups." 

Of course, we all know, Target doesn't care about the LGBT community, they care about the $$$$ community.



  1. Never sure exactly what the benefit would be for either of them.

  2. I'm liking Target less and less. Do they even carry Mossimo anymore?

  3. Unfortunately, not a big surprise.

  4. I like their 'Monster' trail mix... with it's peanuts and candy coated chocolate... and raisins and peanut butter chips.. but I hate them any more.


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