
Friday, February 04, 2011

LaVar Christensen Is An Asshat

Lotsa folks want to ban gay marriage, or civil unions, or anti-discrimination laws that protect the LGBT community. Lotsa folks want to keep ENDA, and DOMA and reinstate DADT. And most do it because their religion tells them to do it, that God Hates Fags, or some such nonsense. Some do it because they don't know anyone who is gay, and live in fear as to what gay people are like. So, they fight and bitch and kvetch and moan about gay rights, and work to spread inequality.

Those people I can understand, and I can argue with them, but LaVar Christensen, a Utah sate representation, is an entirely different matter. See, he isn't against gay marriage or civil unions; he isn't for ENDA and DOMA; he doesn't want DADT restored.

He wants no gay people at all, and has, in fact, introduced a bill that would require all publicly funded programs, laws, and regulations, to ensure they exclude families headed by gay and lesbian couples.

LaVar writes in his Bill Of Hates: "[M]arriage and family predate all governments and are supported by and consistent with the Laws of Nature and God, the Creator and Supreme Judge of the World, affirmed in the nation’s founding Declaration of Independence. [And] families anchored by both a father and a mother, fidelity within marriage, and enduring devotion to the covenants and responsibilities of marriage are the desired norm."

Wow, someone drank a boatload of the delusional Kool-Aid. Did he now hear me, when I have said, time and again, that marriage is anything but traditional? That is has evolved and changed throughout history, as recently as 50 years ago? And, did he not have his TV on to watch Zach Wahls so eloquently talk about being raised, and raised exceptionally well, by his two Moms?

Or is LaVar just a wingnut? And, if so, does anyone in Utah want him called "Representative"? If that's what represents Utah, I'd be looking for a U-Haul, to get the U-hell outta there.



  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    You guys have some fucked up arse holes in government.

  2. I didn't take the time to get a U-Haul just got the fuck out.


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