
Monday, February 28, 2011

Consuelo Roca Jones: #2 of 1500

Miss Jones is adapting quite nicely. We are keeping her in the Jck-and-Jill bathroom, with her carrier, litter box, food, and a toy that the woman who rescued her gave us.

We let her into the office when one of us is in their and now she just strolls right out and lays on the floor like she owns the joint. 

She met Ozzo face-to-face; they sniffed, she turned tail and went back inside her carrier, but there was no hissing.

Max hissed, and ran; Miss Jones looked at him like he'd hurt her feelings.

I carried Tuxedo into the room, and he hissed, and spit, and growled like a panther at her. Since some asshat veterinarian declawed Tuxedo, he is leery of new cats because he knows he can't protect himself very well. I think he'll be the last one to come around.

Tallulah, on the other hand, is not at all interested because, well, she's crazy, and I think she thinks Consuelo has been here all along.

But all is good, and we are all getting to know one another.


  1. Prettiest coloring!
    Glad the family expansion is coming along.

  2. She is just the cutest damn thing ever!!!

    You know I'm not going to be happy unless we get daily posts up until, oh I don't know ... about Day 1500 or so. Then you can go every other day. With pictures, of course.


  3. She has the prettiest markings I ever did see! And I see she like to read!!!

  4. She's very pretty. I especially like how she looks out the window like my Torrie does.

  5. Beautiful kitty!!! But your windows open? For reals? Sigh. it was -30 here last night for a high today of -4. Sigh......

    Love the pictures of the kittie, more please!

  6. What a pretty kitty. Has she butted your forehead with her head? That seals the deal.

  7. She has the sweetest face!

  8. If I saw that kitty at the shelter, I could not have left without it. I love those markings!

  9. Bob, looks like things are going to be interesting at your place for a very long time.


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