
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Take Me To The Bed

Well, I fought hard, and have apparently lost.
I have had a bad, nasty, vicious, sinus headache-infection-whatever, and now it has bested me.
I will be taking to my bed for the remainder of the day, sleeping and sleeping and sleeping.
Though, not too much sleeping I hope. Since I haven't been feeling well Tuxedo has never left my side....sitting in my lap....following me throughout the house.....sitting on the desk as I type this.....and sleeping with me, or, at times, on me.
I'm hoping he hasn't become one of those Death Cats, you know, that signal who's next to die.
Okay....that last part was a joke. I think.
Take care, y'all.
I'll be right back.


  1. Nah, he's just a good kitty. Be better soon!

  2. Rest, take care and feel better - sending you all best wishes.

  3. Feel better and get some mulberry syrup at your local health food store. It's amazing and it cut my last cold time in half.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Make Carlos go buy you some Oscillococcinum
    It's an all natural immune booster. I swear by it. It has no drug interactions and it taste like candy.

  5. I hope you feel better soon. It's going around. I've been working with a pretty good head cold this past week and it's no fun.

  6. Aw, it sucks to be sick at the holidays. Hope you feel better SOON, my friend.

  7. Bob-

    I would appreciate it if you read my blog, The blog is a virtual compendium of articles from newspapers, newsweeklies, and magazines, both popular and scholarly. The articles have a viewpoint toward transgender / transsexual news. If you like it, please put
    "Emily's virtual rocket "under the title commonly called
    "Blogroll". Thank you so much!



  8. get well... Now, you are scary me because one of my two cats could be a death cat

  9. Ah Bob, I hope you feel better soon. There is nothing like our pets at our side to make us feel better!

  10. Sending you chicken soup thoughts.

  11. I meant to say Elderberry syrup. Apologies. I've been sick too and ye olde brains are a bit addled.


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