
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just For Giggles: "I Believe So."

I feel like playing this on a never ending loop.
"I believe so."


  1. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Oh, I most definitely WILL watch!

  2. What a nutcase. On the other hand I'm very unlikely to vote for Obama again in '12 so who knows what I'll do two years from now.

  3. If this interview with this vile woman had happened last year, I, too, would have called it delusional. But now, it appears that the country is buying all of her lies. She is everywhere and making millions: Speaking engagements, best selling book(another on the way) television shows, etc. It looks like Americans are buying what she is selling. I'm very scared.

  4. The side eye and the eye flutter. Those aren't signs of lying, oh no. pfft.

  5. If she wins any primary race, let alone a Presidential one, proves that our country is full of people severely lacking in brain power. Oh yeah, let's put a folksy quitting ex-governor who happens to be an imbecile into the highest office in the country. Oh yeah, I forgot she was a "maverick" too! LOL


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