
Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's My Blogiversary!

Who'da thunk it?
Two years ago today I started ISBL.......and I haven't shut up since!
It's been a blast and I want to thank all of you who stop by here every day, to leave a comment. I would also thank you for all your blogs--especially La Grande Duchess of Dust Bunnies, Her Royal Highness David Dust, who, after visiting his delicious site, inspired me to give this bloggery thing a try--because I find such great stories, pictures, jokes, inspiration, conversations, factoids, and trivia in all your blogiverses.
And so, in honor of this :::cough cough:::: momentous occasion, here is a repeat of that very first thought-provoking, hysterically funny, pensive, erudite, cogent, concise post.....such as it was:

I'm new to this blog thing, but I do love to talk and I do have an opinion--hell I have thousands of opinions--so I guess that's as good a place to start. Let's talk about.........Me!

I am a happily-partnered gay male, and I have been with the love of my life for the last eight years. We met online in an AOL chatroom--no, not THAT kind of chatroom--and became IM friends, and then email friends, and then phone friends and then friends across the country and then I went from California to Miami to meet him, and that was that. A few months later I'd left California and settled in Miami--talk about culture shock!

We stayed in Miami for about six years until Carlos--the aforementioned partner--accepted a job in Smallville, South Carolina, and we loaded up the truck and moved to....well, not Beverly Hills, but Smallville. A small town. A cute town. A town full of nice people who didn't seem at all peeved that the newest arrivals were a couple of mo's from Miami. That's a start, I think. More to come.....I hope.


  1. Awwww ... I feel like such a proud Mama every time you have a blogiversary!!!

    Here's to many, many more...


  2. Anonymous12:26 PM


    Both to you and your beloved for putting up with you spending so many hours devoted to the Cause - and to the net!

    When you've got a moment Bob - please could you look into this United Nations vote which apparently went wrong? has a link to the story.


    And WELL DONE again!

  3. happy blogiversary!
    It's been fun to get to know folks clean across the country :-)

  4. i happened upon ISBL by chance when you were still on your first or second page & been coming back ever since..
    congrads and thanks for the good work.

  5. Happy Blogiversary :o)

  6. Yay! Happy Blogiversary!

  7. Yay! I only recently discovered you and I love it. Never stop.

  8. Happy Blogiversary!

  9. Happy Blogiversary! Keep up the great work.

  10. Congrats! Wishing you more years of happy writing!

  11. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Congratulations, Bob! It's a pleasure to read your blog every time!

  12. And here's to many more. *clink* Carry on, citizen!

  13. happy anniversary. I enjoy your work and our disagreements ;-)

  14. Congratulations Bob, two years is almost half a lifetime [in gay-years].
    Hope for many more to follow!

  15. Happy 2nd Blogiversary! You have a great blog that I enjoy very much, so thank you for keeping it up! Here's to two more years!

  16. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Congrats on your anniversary. Thanks for speaking up for the rest of us and for having the forum in which to do that. Everytime I go to your site I know I will learn something interesting and important. Cheers with much
    Gladys and the Crew.

  17. Congrats on your 2nd year blog anniversary!!! I may not comment a lot, but I visit your site often and enjoy it immensely. Hugs, JR

  18. Congrats bob!!
    You've enlightened me in so many topics~
    stay fab okie*

  19. So glad you are writing this blog! Love it!

  20. The blog-o-sphere would be a much duller place without you! Happy Blogiversary! I hope you have many many more!


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