
Friday, October 15, 2010

Vince Vaughn Is So Gay

Okay, so I said that just to get your attention, but now that I have it, let the rant begin.

Vince Vaughn has a new movie coming out. I know, I won't see it either. But in the trailer for his new film, The Dilemma, he utters a line, and I'll paraphrase, that "Electric cars are gay. Not gay like homosexual, but gay like 'My parents are chaperoning the prom' gay."

Oh, as in gay equals stupid or lame or bad or less than.
Oh, my sides! The humor!

Well, my husband, Anderson Cooper, made note of the phrase "so gay" on Ellen DeGeneres last week, and the studio pulled the line. From the trailer. I think it may still be in the film.

And now, Vince Vaughn has decided to open his uneducated yap and comment on the brouhaha:
"Let me add my voice of support to the people outraged by the bullying and persecution of people for their differences, whatever those differences may be. Comedy and joking about our differences breaks tension and brings us together. Drawing dividing lines over what we can and cannot joke about does exactly that; it divides us. Most importantly, where does it stop?"

It stops now, Vince.
Remember years ago when we all made Polish jokes? Yeah, not funny.
Remember when we made jokes about Black people? Yeah, no humor there.

It's time, Vince, that gay people stop being the butt of the joke, or the link to something stupid or lame or less than. And, maybe, instead of spouting your ignorant homophobic beliefs that "it's just a joke," think about how your joke, in the hands of a twelve-year-old can hurt a young person who is gay, or even perceived to be gay. And how the unending joking and name-calling and taunting and the "that's so gay-ing" might push that young kid to kill himself, or herself, just to make it stop.

Oh, yeah, that's high-larious, Vince.

Maybe now, when I see something I think idiotic or stupid or lame or less than, I might just say, "That's so Vince Vaughn."

Yeah, that's so Vince Vaughn.

Rant over.
Soapbox put away.
Carry on.


  1. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Very well said! It's time for the jokes to stop!

  2. I'm so tired of the jokes. Then again Vince Vaughn hasn't been funny since Swingers. (rimshot)

  3. Agreed - this past week I was at a GLBT business networking event where this was the topic addressed by our guest speaker, Jarrett Barrios, President of glaad. I had not heard about this til then so its nice to see this being posted and discussed on blogs.

  4. sigh.........the jokes that used to feature every other nationality, race, religion, sex are all seemingly now rolled into lgbt jokes. and every time someone gets called on it, yes i know that happens not nearly enough, we are told to just hush up. tis only comedy, ya know? if you cant laugh at yourself who can you laugh at? with this kinda reasoning, its no wonder that we are targets for violence.


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