
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tube Talk

Brothers & Sisters is, by far, the most poorly written show on television, The characters make no sense week-to-week, most of the acting--sometimes even from the usually brilliant Sally Field--is amateurish, and the stories are just too ridiculous. Carlos and I used to like this show, but now I seem to watch it only so i can rail at how awful it has become.

Why, goddess, why, did I watch episode 2 of The A-List? Perhaps because it is a compete and utter stereotypical trainwreck of what many het'ros in America think gay people are like: bitchy, obsessed with fashion and cock, rude, vain, self-involved. It really is the dregs, but, like a trainwreck, I find it hard to look away.

Yet another week of fabulous Glee. Great stories, great songs--though I'm getting a bit bored by Lea Michele going all-Barbra each week....I mean, really? Wearing a knockoff of the outfit Streisand wore when she guested on the old Judy Garland show while singing a song Streisand sang with Garland on that show? It's enough! That said, I loved Rachel and Kurt's Happy Days Are Here Again/Get Happy duet. And, well, while I am not much a fan of the blond mens--you are the exception, Mr. Pitt--but Chord Overstreet...and how's that for a soap opera name, as Sam, is quite the hottie with the body.

Top Chef:Just Desserts was kind of a rip-ff of the Project Runway Edible Fashion Challenge. A little Tim Gunn in the work room was needed, but alas......So, what was with Heather C and Danielle making vegetable dresses on a pastry competition? Was there miscommunication? Or was it just I can't do this so I won't try? And what was with heterosexual Morgan--who loves women's shoes, but would wear a chocolate mini-dress, even though he loves the ladies? I'm thinking Morgan is a woman On The Verge Of Coming drag. Props to Yigit for being more adorable this week, than last. Props to Heather C for getting Pastry Bagged for the second time.

The Real Housewives Of Atlanta. Yes, I saw the first episode, and that will be my last. To listen to horrible mother, fake boobed, fake hair, fake personality, part-time lesbian, media whore, Kim Zolchiak say she hopes her kids grow up with the same morals her parents instilled in schtupping a marred man and doing anything....anything....for money....was too much. Kim Zolchiak is to RHoA as the Salahi's are to RHoDC.


  1. Morgan had such potential from the hunkoid factor and he's blowing it.

  2. I watched Brothers & Sisters for a couple of weeks when it first started but that was it. It just seemed like Calista & Sally were so damn whiney. I couldnt take it.

    I love me some Glee!

  3. I've never seen Brothers & Sisters because by that time I was already zonked out after a full day of football.


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