
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Out Of The Mouths Of Morons

Oh, Mama Grizzly Bore, you amuse me.

On last night's FauxNews Bill O'Reilly, Mama Grizzly Bore continued to mentor Delaware teabagger Christine O'Donnell, instructing O'Donnell to get her message out through the correct GOP/Tea Party propaganda channels.

Like, oh, I dunno....FauxNews?

Of course.

Mama Grizzly Bore: "She’s going to have to learn very quickly to dismiss what some of her handlers want. Remember what happened to me in the VP. […] So she’s going to have to learn that, yes, very quickly. She’s going to have to dismiss that, go with her gut, get out there, speak to the American people.Speak through FOX News and let the Independents who are tuning in to you, let them know what it is that she stands for, the principles behind her positions."

Um, MGB? May I call you MGB? What happened to you in the VP is the same thin g that will happen to Christine O'Donnell. People will realize she, like you, is too unfit, too uneducated, too uncooperative, too ill-informed, to win an election.

And like you, after she loses, she'll sell herself to the highest bidder as the Speaker Of The GOP, because, in the end, it's less about America, and what's best for all Americans, and it's more about what's best for the Bores and the Idiots.


  1. It does seem like there is an increasing gulf between reason and the conservative movement. I won't even lump all Republican in that because despite my disagreement with the party as a whole -- people like Sen Snowe (ME)or Sen Scott (MA) are people you can reason with and have a logical conversation. At the end of the day we may agree to disagree, but the more conservative movement seems to have determined that "reason" and "logic" are far too inconvenient. It seems to me when someone like Sarah Palin or O'Donnell is given a microphone they start channelling someone who sounds inarticulate, rather uneducated and definitely more than a little bit crazy. How does one have dialog with a person like that? Its both disturbing and a bit maddening.

  2. Hear, hear, Bob. What a bloomin' idiot. What rocks are they turning over to find these cretins?

  3. Agree, agree, agree.

    Another brainless twit, what are people thinking?


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