
Monday, September 13, 2010

O'Malley Says "If"

Maryland's Democratic Governor, Martin O'Malley, is suggesting that he would sign a bill that supports gay marriage if he wins reelection, and if it passed the state's General Assembly, which has so far been reluctant to do so.

Lotta ifs in there.

But the comment did go further than he had previously, and it was his most direct public comment on gay marriage during his reelection bid. During his first term, O'Malley always stopped just shy of endorsing marriage equality, saying, instead, that he favored civil unions.

In response to a question on a call-in radio program, O'Malley said:
"I don't have a crystal ball to predict how this goes, but I do know this: I know the people of our state well enough that for all of the differences and diversities of backgrounds and opinions, that all of us want to find a way to craft our laws in such a way that it treats people equally under the law."

But then O'Malley said he personally believes that allowing civil unions would be the best way to reach a compromise within the legislature.

The ifs are getting old.

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