
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Knights Of Columbus: Funding Hate While Children Starve

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal society founded in New Haven in 1881. It does a lot of good things, at least, according to their website, which says:
The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
Well, that's just what we need these days in a struggling economy. Helping the sick and the needy, and their families. So, I say, Brava to the Knights of Columbus.


The Knights of Columbus donated $1.4 million to the National organization fro Marriage [NOM] in 2009. NOM, as we all know, is a group of bigots and haters dedicated to fighting equal rights for the LGBT community, more importantly, same-sex marriage.

NOM hasn’t yet made its 2009 fundraising numbers public, the amount of contributions it received in 2008 totaled approximately $2.9 million. Which means that the Knights of Columbus gave them, in 2009, roughly half the amount of money donated to them in 2008.

Rather than spend it on, say, homelessness, or hunger, or the poor.

In fact, the amount of money given to NOM far exceeds what the Knights spend on their own charitable programs, so they have chosen to let their own charities down, because fighting equality is more important than hungry children, or the disabled.

Patrick Korten, vice president for communications for the Knights: “It was a fairly simple, straightforward decision. We are pro-family, and believe strongly in the defense of marriage. NOM is the single most important group engaged in defending marriage.”
Pro-family? What about hungry families? No money for them this year? What about families where one, or more, parent is disabled? Oops, sorry, we spent our money on hate. What about food banks to help the needy get a decent meal? Nope, not gonna do it.

What they do is literally take the money they could use on food banks, education, medical care, hunger programs, and use it to promote hate, and deny equality to an entire group of people based on their sexual orientation.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating, How fucking Christ-like.

While the LGBT community have long speculated that it was the Mormon Church who was the primary benefactor behind NOM, it is now blatantly apparent that the Knights of Columbus, and the Catholic church, played a starring role in denying marriage equality to gay Americans.

Instead of feeding the hungry.


  1. That's kind of alarming.

  2. It's not surprising at all. I had a friend whose father was one of the leaders of the local KoC chapter where I live and I remember how much they were against abortion and the things they did. What I remember the most was the hatred and intolerance from these people. It's the main reason why I don't go to church anymore.

  3. leave it to the Catholics.]Ugh

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Did anyone tell everybody that the Christian Fundamentalists, the Right Wing and the Catholic Church are creating an environment that forces Gays to live in Sin? These groups tell everybody that having sex without marriage is a sin. It is in the Bible. They should support gay marriage so gay men and lesbians can get married to take away the sin. If they continue to be against gay marriage, they are responsible for the sin.

  5. Massgopguy12:44 PM

    The Knights of Columbus donated $150,000,000 to charitable beneficiaries. How did ACT-UP do?

  6. @ Massgopguy
    Bully for them.
    If you read the article....READ IT.... you'll see that my point was that, rather than giving money to help people, they gave money to NOM, an antigay organzation.
    Children go hungry so NOM can spread hate.
    Pay attention!

  7. Massgopguy3:41 PM

    Money used to support "Pro-Church" positions comes from dues and per capita charges. The $1.4 million spent on Prop 8 happens to match the Hero's Fund we established on 9-12-2001 for immediate relief for families of emergency personnel killed in the WTC attack. No money that would go to charity (that $150 M was for the year)is used for political (positions the church support)purposes. We also provided prosthetic limbs for ALL amputee victims of the Haitian Earthquake. My council provides Thanksgiving Meals for 350 seniors in Public Housing and 200 families (that include CHILDREN)every year. So we ARE feeding the hungry children. I don't need to "pay attention" to you. I know where the money comes from and goes to in the KOC. Again I ask, what does ACT-UP do to help?

  8. Anonymous12:43 AM

    K of C What a joke, bunch of Ultra Cheap Old Pollocks with big mouths. They hate everyone, Blacks .Arabs,Jews etc..


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