
Monday, August 16, 2010

Aniston v O'Reilly

Who knew?

With the economy and oil spills, homos getting married and two wars, Bill O'Reilly has deemed.....wait for's ready.....Jennifer Aniston as being "destructive to our society".

Huh? What? Huh?

It seems that while promoting her new movie, The Switch, Aniston told reporters that women don't need to settle down to start a family. See, in The Switch Aniston plays a woman who elects to take on life as a single parent through artificial insemination.

Which a lot of women, and gay men, have opted to do.

Jennifer Aniston: "Women are realizing more and more that you don't have to settle, they don't have to fiddle with a man to have that child. They are realizing if it's that time in their life and they want this part they can do it with or without that."

Well, call out the National Guard and have Jennifer Aniston thrown into the Anti-Free Speech gulag.

Bill O'Reilly called out the actress: "Jennifer Aniston can hire a battery of people to help her. But she can't hire a dad. Dads bring a psychology to children that in this society is under emphasized. Men get hosed all day long in the parental arena."

Bill? Billy? you're an asshat.

She isn't saying that women, or men, should have children just willy-nilly because they want them, but she is saying that the stigma of being a single parent, male or female, gay or straight, is not what it used to be.

And, sure, if Jennifer Aniston, and not the characters she plays on film, decided to have a child through artificial insemination, she would have a brigade of baby helpers and monitors and nurses and nannies and what not.

But so would most of us, only we'd call our team family, and friends, Grandma and Grandpa.

Seriously, Bill, Jennifer Aniston is a danger to society?
You need to get back on your meds.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    OMG! Could it be? Silly O'Reilly has finally run out of things to talk about, so he's going after Jennifer Aniston? What a douche.

    (PS - I'm really glad 'douche' is making a comeback, because every time I use it I was sounding SO 80's.)

  2. Why is he doing this?

  3. I have to say this bothered me. Not O'Reilly (he's waaaaaaay beyond that) but the nature of Jennifer Aniston's comment. Somewhere it felt she left out the profound decision to create a life and be responsible for this person for 20+ years and forever tied to the ups and downs and worries and cares and woes and everything - people mean it when they say they would die for their child.

    Anyway, as I've said before, children need mature, loving adults who will always, always love them and go to hell and back over and over for them.

    My hardest parenting years have been the latter years, diapers and blocks and smushed peas - easy.

  4. True, Froggy, all of it.

    I think Bill-O said that just to have Jennifer on his show. He almost begged. Good try.


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