
Monday, July 19, 2010

The Totem Pole Of Inequality

House Democrats, democrats from the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, Congressional Progressive Caucus, and Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus were joined by a coalition of 37 immigration, LGBT, and faith advocacy groups to reiterate their support for a comprehensive immigration reform package that would include equality for LGBT people and expressed confidence that such a bill would pass this year.

According to Immigration Equality, 36,000 bi-national couples in the United States face imminent or future separation because the US citizen of same-sex couples cannot, like those in heterosexual married couples, sponsor their partner for citizenship.

New York Senator, Charles Schumer, who wasn’t at the press conference, has reached out for the support of conservative evangelical groups, who say they are all for immigration reform but will not support a bill that includes LGBT equality.

See, dirty Hispanic immigrants are bad. But dirty Hispanic gay immigrants are the worst.

A Trifecta of Hate--Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, Leith Anderson of the National Association of Evangelicals, and Samuel Rodriguez of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference--were all invited to hear President Obama's immigration speech at American University earlier this month, yet all three organizations oppose LGBT equality in immigration reform, and have said they won’t support a package that includes it.

See, God Hates Fags....especially Mexican Fags...because let's face it, immigration reform is only aimed at the dark-skinned- south 0f the border, illegals, not anyone else.

Richard Land even met with White House senior advisor Valerie Jarrett and White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships director Joshua DuBois to "thank the president for giving the speech we asked him to give. And then they wanted to talk about where we go from here in terms of putting comprehensive immigration reform back on the front burner.”

As long as the Fags aren't part of it.

As a gay man, I am no longer the low man on the totem pole. That honor now belongs to my gay Hispanic brothers and sisters.

It's a new subbasement of hate.


  1. Gee, I didn't know I was demoted on the food chain? ROTFLMO!

  2. Oh boy - gays will always be relegataed to the bottom of the chain... government and church seems to be making the problem worse!

  3. Sorry, gay's aren't the bottom of the food chain, nor are they the most hated of all beings. That honor belongs to the trans people. I mean really, we even catch lots of hate from gays.....


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