
Monday, June 21, 2010

The Racist Asshatted Dimwitted Texas GOP Platform

There's all this talk about that fence between the United States and Mexico, well, I might suggest that we build a fence all the way around Texas. See, we need to keep them outta the rest of the US, and we really shouldn't inflict them upon the Mexican people either.
The Texas Republicans adopted yet another get-tough policy on immigration and bilingual education that some say will make it hard for the party to attract Hispanic voters at a time when the Texas population is turning increasingly Latino.
Smart move, asshats.
Their new anti-Latino platform encourages lawmakers to make it a Class A misdemeanor criminal offense “for an illegal alien to intentionally or knowingly be within the State of Texas,” and to “oppose amnesty in any form leading to citizenship for illegal immigrants.” And they a
lso want to limit citizenship by birth to those born to a U.S. citizen “with no exceptions.” The platform emphasizes border security, encouraging “all means … (to) immediately prevent illegal aliens.”
Border security by all means.
Locked and loaded.
The party's education platform calls for the end of federally sponsored pre-kindergarten, and opposes any mandatory pre-kindergarten or kindergarten because Texas Republicans think parents should be training their children in their early development stages.
Uh, Texas, if that isn't happening now, you can't legislate it, unless, and this is your M.O. you'll arrest the parents who are not training their children, or force them to do do by any means necessary.
Locked and loaded.
But it gets uglier.
Here's their, um, platform:

  • Calling for repeal of the Real ID Act, which “creates an unconstitutional and privacy-inhibiting national ID card.
  • Banning the use of red light cameras.
  • Making American English the official language of Texas and the United States.
  • Creating a felony offense for anyone who performs a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple.
  • Passing legislation requiring a sonogram for each pregnant woman seeking an abortion.
  • Opposing legislation allowing stem cell research involving the creation of killing of human embryos for medical research.
  • Calling for the immediate transition to a system of private pensions and gradually phasing out the Social Security tax.
  • Calling for the repeal of the state lottery and opposing any further legalization of any type of gambling.
  • Urging Congress to “repeal and reject the national healthcare takeover, also known as ‘ObamaCare.' ”
  • Protecting the right to access raw milk directly from the farmer.
  • Opposing automatic college admissions rules, such as the top 10 percent rule.
  • Calling for the repeal of the No Child Left Behind law and the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Removing the tenure system for Texas state colleges and universities.
  • Opposing all bailouts of businesses.
  • Recommending a national sales tax to replace all other federal taxes.
  • Calling on the Legislature to repeal the revised franchised tax.
  • Urging Congress to evict the United Nations from the United States to rescind U.S. membership.
  • Urging the Legislature to require Voter ID.

See, if you aren't white, and male, and Republican, and, oh, yes, an English-speaking American, then you will have no rights whatsoever under this new platform. Females will be exempt, of course, providing they are straight, pro-life, and willing to kow-tow to what the men-folk want.
So, do you see now, that a fence around Texas should be our first priority?


  1. Texass, yes I spelled it correctly, is one F*#@%D up country. And since when was slackjaw considered english.

  2. Best include a top on that fence...just in case.

    I'm with Mike above...would that be Texass draaaawl Amurican English?

  3. I am ashamed to admit my family is from there. I pray that these ass clowns never get these laws passed or else I hope the Latinos get off their butts and vote them out.

  4. so crazy, but that's Texas


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