
Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Pissing And Moaning, Ranting And Raving

Elton John performed at rush Limbaugh's wedding over the weekend.
Limbaugh's fourth wedding.
The fourth wedding of a man who says that Elton John doesn't have the right to marry because he's gay.
Elton reportedly pocketed a million dollars for the performance, but it leaves me wondering:
Is Elton broke?
Does pocketing any amount of money to sing for a man who would seek to deny you and your partner the same rights and benefits he gets every single time he's married bother you?
Where is your soul?
And, would you sing for the KKK if they asked? The Family Research Council? NOM? When does it become wrong, Elton?

And Tony Hayward of BP is appearing in all sorts of commercials apologizing again for his company's stupidity and greed that has resulted in the rape of our coastline and the murder of Innocent creatures.
They spent 50 million on this Mea Culpa Campaign.
Fifty million that might have been used for the clean-up.
Fifty million that might have gone to the families of the men whose livelihoods you destroyed.
Fifty million that could have gone to the families of the men who died in the explosion.,
No, BP, spend the money on commercials telling us how sorry you are.
Fuck you. We know how sorry you are.

Rabbi David F. Nesenoff of the website RabbiLive had asked Helen Thomas if she had any comments on Israel, and she responded:
"Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine. Remember, these people are occupied. And it's their land. It's not German, it's not Poland."
Then she suggested the Jews go back to Germany.
Jews. Germany. No. Not a smart answer, Helen.
There was hubbub. There was ado. There was kerfuffle. But not a lot of folks asking for her immediate resignation. Until finally Hearst newspapers announced they were "retiring" Helen Thomas for her remarks.
People should learn to think before you speak. This business of saying something awful, and then issuing an apology smacks of insincerity. If you truly didn't mean it, you wouldn't have said it.


  1. BP will soon be a case study in communications/public relations classes in what not to do.

  2. Elton is a study in contradictions, and I am constantly amazed he seems to have been granted the status of Grand Poobah of all things gay. He befriends Eminem, accuses the US of being prejudiced during season 3 of American Idol, and gets paid to celebrate the 4TH lifetime commitment to tradition made by Rush Limbaugh. Logic seems to have escaped him....

  3. I am still scrathing my head over the Elton thing.

    As for Helen, if I make it to 90 you can bet shit like that will be flying out of my mouth all of the time.

    It is hard enough for me to filter myself as is.

    I get what she said,would it have been better if she said the Jews should go to England or Spain?

  4. I am very confused and disappointed in Elton. Very confused. I liked him since I was just a pup. Since before he was gay! :)

    As for BP, they will also spend another 50 million I bet on lawyers trying to fight against paying anyone anything at all. Go figure.

  5. I really don't understand why Elton did this. The other day he did a benefit concert to raise $500k for his beloved Watford FC. Does he need the money? Who knows.

  6. That is surprising of Elton. Let us know what you find out.

  7. I didn't get that with Elton either. I agree with Stan about BP.


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