
Thursday, June 03, 2010

Jan Brewer is A %#&$*@!% Liar

Y'all know Jan Brewer, right? That Arizona Asshat. That Sister Of Sarah. That Wingnut. Well, now you can add Monumental Liar to that list of alterna-names.

Jan Brewer, Liar-In-Chief of the Great Fascist State Of Arizona, got her jackboots all twisted when people began comparing her idea of "Show me your papers" to that old Nazi version of same. Jan didn't like being compared to Nazi's.

Why, you ask?

Well, Governor Asshat told the Arizona Republic, and I quote because she actually said it: "The Nazi comments ... they are awful. Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that ... and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced."

I feel bad now. Her dad died fighting the Nazi's and here I am, calling her a Nazi. I feel bad.


The truth of the matter is that Jan Brewer's Hitler-Fighting-Dying-While-Killing-Nazi's-In-Germany father, Wilford Drinkwine, never left the good old US of A during WWII. He was stationed in that hotbed of Nazi activity: Henderson, Nevada.

Oh yeah.

And he didn't die in the war. He died ten years after the war. in California, where I think he may have been fighting over a parking space and not the Nazi's. Or maybe he died of lung disease. Which is the story Jan Brewer used to tell, but I wonder about that now, too.

Jan Brewer is an Effing-Asshatted-Liar of Epic Proportions. To denigrate the memory of her own father, just to gather a little sympathy for her own Fascist Regime that she's building in the deserts of Arizona. Her own father.

She is one sick, twisted bitch.

Of course, and this is the really good part. Her mouthpiece, Dumbass McDipstick, or, um, Paul Senseman--whose own name is an oxymoron--says that Governor Jan "Wingnutting Liar" Brewer meant to suggest Drinkwine had died from the toxic fumes he'd inhaled in the factory.

While fighting the Nazi's.

In Nevada.

Senseman added: "She wasn't embellishing the story at all."

No, Paul, she was outright lying, and taking one long crap on the memory of her father, and the memory of all those men, and women, who did die in Germany fighting the Nazi's and weren't in Nevada going to the Tropicana to ogle showgirls and drown themselves in bourbon on the weekends.

I thought Jan Brewer should be sentenced to hell for her outrageous new laws, but this, this really takes the cake.

Your father, Jan Brewer, and most of us, are disgusted by you.

You're despicable.


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    She also lied about the increase in crime in AZ. She said it's true that it is down but still blames illegal immigrants.

  2. When, oh when, will people learn that fact checking is oh, so easy that a fifth grader could do it!

  3. Great post Bob.......She is indeed "Queen of the Asshats"!

  4. Excuse my language....But.....what a twat face!

  5. My God is she ugly. And it gets even worse the more layer you peel through.

  6. Oh boy - I hope all see through her lies!

  7. She, like all Wingnuts, lies because she knows she can...and get away with it. She knows that most Americans react without understanding the difference between truth and fantasy. The lines are so blurred, and we've become so entranced with emotional displays, that is doesn't matter what's true anymore. All that matters is that you can get a reaction.
    We can thank corporate America, and reality TV(you know, that staged reality, where everyone's life is constantly full of drama...). Only a few will check, and when we expose those lies, we are attacked for "picking on" our "heroes".
    It's really a problem that will be hard to correct.

  8. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Gov. Brujha (means witch in Spanish) is a lair bitch from the lower astral zone. She is a fascist God help us in Arizona. Do not vote for her. People you have two other good choices Terry Goddard or Barry Hess (Lib. Cand.). Get this EVIL IGNORANT MONSTER from HELL out of office. Thanks a lot Gov. Nap you left us when we needed you most. We also need a Lt. Gov. so we don't have this mess again. It is time for Arizona to grow up, heal up and recover and do things diplomatically and get rid of all these idiot NAZIS Brewar, McCain, and Kyle and anyone else who is ruining this state.


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