
Thursday, June 03, 2010

First Dumb [Ginger McGuire] And Now Dumber [Lauren Rosenberg]

Y'all remember the story from the other day? About Ginger McGuire? The dimwit who fell asleep on a plane and got locked in and is now suing the airline for false imprisonment? That dimwit?

Turns out we have another one.

Lauren Rosenberg, a California woman, is suing Google after she was hit by a car while following directions provided by Google Maps on her cell phone.

Lauren Rosenberg says that the Google Maps BlackBerry application told her to use Deer Valley Drive--a highway also known as Utah State Route 224--to walk from one Park City address to another.

But, and this is where Lauren Rosenberg should have put down her BlackBerry and opened her damned eyes, the Google directions did not tell her that there were no sidewalks along Deer Valley Drive, which, Lauren Rosenberg claims, caused her to be struck by a car.

Because her phone didn't tell her that she wasn't on a sidewalk.

According to the complaint filed in Park County district court: "As a direct and proximate cause of Defendant Google's careless, reckless and negligent providing of unsafe directions, Plaintiff Lauren Rosenberg was led onto a dangerous highway, and was thereby stricken by a motor vehicle, causing her to suffer severe permanent physical, emotional and mental injuries."

Not to mention that she wasn't looking where she was going.

Lauren Rosenberg is asking Google to pay all of her medical expenses in addition to punitive damages and loss of earnings. But, because Lauren Rosenberg apparently likes to sue as much as she likes to rely on a cell phone to tell her there are sidewalks, she is also suing the driver of the vehicle.

Now, to be fair, Google Maps does warn users about walking directions on its version for computers--"Walking directions are in beta. Use caution--This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths"--but the mobile version of Google Maps does not come with the warning.

But, um, shouldn't Lauren Rosenberg have come with a warning? Like: this woman is an idiot. Stand back at least ten feet.

Seriously. I think Lauren Rosenberg and Ginger McGuire ought to get together and discuss which one is dumber. That conversation ought to keep them busy for years.

You are.
No. You are.
No, You are.
No. You are.
No. You are.
No, You are.
No. You are.

No. You are.No, You are.
No. You are.

No. You are.
No, You are.
No. You are.


  1. Another frivolous lawsuit to clog our legal system. I'm assuming this person also plays the lottery twice a week and has lost lots of money on that, too.

  2. Google Maps once dumped me in downtown Seattle right after the earthquake about ten years ago.
    I *knew* the general direction I had to go - over the slough, thru the U District - but Daughter had the directions and, like a child raised in the computer age - MOM GO LEFT NOW!
    And I did. Downtown Seattle is hard enough to get out of (there are a few magic spots) and the earthquake had messed up all sorts of stuff. But we did emerge and got back on I-5 (and across the slough..._


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