
Friday, May 14, 2010

Who Does Subway Think They Are........Oprah?

I don't know if y'all remember this, and if you don't, I'm here to remind you.

Oprah and her minions once threatened legal action against an insurance company--MetLife, AllState, BigInsurance, I forget--to stop using the phrase "Aha moment." It seems Oprah believes she invented the phrase "Aha moment" and that she patented the phrase "Aha moment" and would trademark the phrase "Aha moment".

Which lead to my own "Aha moment". See, I imagine Oprah also invented, patented and trademarked other phrases, like "Give me the whole pot roast" and "The cupcakes are only for me." But she never sued over those.

BTW....Oprah was denied in her lawsuit. Another "Aha moment" for me...and a "whoop-te-freakin-do" moment as well.

But now Subway has taken a page out of Oprah's I Created Language Handbook and is sending out legal letters to sandwich places informing them that Subway "has applied for the trademark FOOTLONG (TM) in association with sandwiches," and is instructing all sandwich shops to stop calling their sandwiches "footlongs".

Or else! ::::foot stomp::::

However, it seems Subway might just be off on the wrong foot. One restaurant that got the letter doesn't sell "footlong" sandwiches; they sell "footlong" hot dogs! So there. Subway says the hot dog place received the letter in error.

But, um, Subway, what are you gonna do about the guy that hangs out in the alleys of downtown Smallville, and goes by the name of Footlong Jim. I mean, can he keep his name? After all, his "footlong" isn't a sandwich either.

Just askin'.


  1. LMAO!!!!! shut up bob.. i gotta quit reading your blog

  2. So, do you have the streets this so called footlong jim hangs out around? Just askin'


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