
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Not So Fast With The Discrimination, Says The Archdiocese

The other day I posted about yet another Catholic school, this one in Massachusetts, that denied enrollment to a child because his parents are lesbian. [HERE]

Well, now it seems that the Archdiocese of Boston has said that administrators of that Catholic school were not following archdiocesan policy when they rescinded admission of the prospective student after learning that his parents are gay.

Archdiocese spokesman Terry Donilon said the archdiocese has no prohibition against same-sex couples sending their children to Catholic schools. In fact, he said, “We want kids to come to Catholic schools" but the archdiocese would make no further comment until the matter was fully reviewed and all parties involved had been heard.

Not staying quiet, is state Representative Garrett J. Bradley, a Democrat from Hingham who grew up in St. Paul parish. He says, "These parents thought enough of St. Paul’s to want to send their child there; St. Paul’s thought enough of their child to admit him. For the school to then discriminate against him and withdraw his acceptance because of his parents’ sexual orientation is not only inappropriate, but mind-blowing. Shame on St. Paul’s, and shame on us as a community if we allow it.’’

Shame indeed, Mr. Bradley. Punishing children for the imagined sins of their parents isn't very Christ-like.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I do love how the Archiocese backpedaled this one.

    Here in RI I know of a couple of gay people who teach in Catholic schools.


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