
Monday, April 26, 2010

Two Bitches: Corinne M. Schwab and Ashley N. Sams

In Kentucky last week, police arrested three teenage girls, one a juvenile, on charges of kidnapping and attempted murder after Cheyenne Williams told authorities that the girls--Corinne M. Schwab, Ashley N. Sams, and an unnamed minor--kidnapped and tried to kill her.
Williams told police she was attacked as a result of her sexual orientation.

What the hell is wrong with these kids?

These girls, Corinne M. Schwab and Ashley N. Sams--that's the two bullies up top--took Cheyenne Williams against her will to an area called Flat Lick Falls, and assaulted her, even trying to push her over a cliff, because she's a lesbian. Williams was able to escape and get to safety.

Though stories are coming out that the girls have been friends for several years, and that Cheyenne Williams went willingly with Corinne M. Schwab and Ashley N. Sams, she became concerned about the "joke" and tried to leave. it was then that the other girls attacked her.

Cheyenne Williams videotaped the incident on her cell phone.

Corinne M. Schwab and Ashley N. Sams? That smell is your goose being cooked.

You don't like lesbians? Good for you. You must be filled with hate. You think being gay is a sin? You go! Believe what you want, say what you want, but keep your hands to yourselves. You, Corinne M. Schwab and Ashley N. Sams, are nothing but ignorant bullies, and I hope you are prosecuted, as adults, to the fullest extent of the law.

You don't have to like the LGBT community, but keep your fucking hands off of us.


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    If they didn't like lesbians before, I think they're really gonna dislike them when they get to prison.

  2. I posted a follow up on my blog. Cheyenne, obviously, will not be returning to school, and apparently has enough credits to go ahead and graduate.

    I wouldn't be surprised if I've seen Cheyenne in Lexington - it is the gay mecca for Eastern Kentucky.

  3. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I was disgusted when I heard about this story late last week. What's wrong with these people? Intolerance taught from one generation to another, usually with religion playing a big role in it.

  4. RJ: It does seem that those who consider themselves religious are usually the ones who are the most intolerant.
    I don't think that's what their god had in mind.

  5. Bigotry is not inherent. How does someone get to be one at such an early age. It is beyond shocking that in 2010, this could happen. Totally disgusting, and they need to be severely punished.

  6. All charges were dropped.

  7. Anonymous2:07 PM

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  8. jack hammer1:46 AM

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  9. Emma Williams - Cheyanne Half Sister1:52 AM

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